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I woke up and scowled at the sight of the sunshine beaming in through my window.

I tied my black hair up into a messy knot and pulled on my usual outfit: black top, black jeans, black boots and a black jacket.

My mother liked to call me a "goth" but I preferred the term "emotional".

I entered the kitchen silently and poured cereal into a bowl.

"Good morning Andrea" my mom said as she entered.

I groaned "Stop calling me Andrea mom, it's Andi!"

"Whatever, honey, please can't you wear even a white t-shirt or something with a bit of colour?" She asked me, changing the subject and trying to avoid the argument we frequently had about my name.

"No" I shovelled the cereal in my mouth before leaving the house with a slam of the front door.

Once I left my neighbourhood, I reached into my pocket for a cigarette to light, only to find the packet empty. I sighed; today seriously wasn't going my way.

I changed direction and instead of heading to the park to sit under my tree, I headed into the small town (it was really more of a village but apparently no-one cares about names anymore) towards the local store.

On my way, I passed the local concert venue, where small underrated artists performed weekly for the price of $25 a ticket. My music taste consisted of small underrated artists so the venue was definitely one of my favourite places.

"Hey Andi!" Jude called out to me. She was one of the ticket sellers.

"Hey Jude. Who's playing tonight?"

"Some English band, The 1975. You ever heard of them?"

I shook my head "Hm nah, are they a rock band?"

"More like soft rock, not really your Fall Out Boy kinda thing but they're apparently quite popular"

I shrugged "Go on then, I'll buy a ticket" I handed her $25 "You don't sound very convincing though, you gotta tell people they're great even if they're not"

Jude laughed "Oh shut up Andi, here." She handed me the ticket "Now go away I've to sell more"

I rolled my eyes "Be more enthusiastic and less emotional!"

"I could say the same to you" she replied

"Don't you sound like my mother"

I went on my way to the store to buy myself the cigarettes.

The concert was starting at 8pm so I left the house just after 7:15. I wanted to have a smoke before I went in.

I stood at the side of the venue, finishing off my cigarette when this guy came up to me.

"Can I've one?"

I turned to him. He looked a lot like me to be honest. Black hair, black clothing. Sure, why not.

I tossed him the packet "Knock yourself out"

"Thanks love"

I picked up on his accent then "Are you British?"

He nodded, lighting the cigarette "Yeah, I'm from Manchester"

I chuckled "Yeah mate, means nothing to me. What brings you to a small town outside Carson City?"

He jerked his head towards the building "The concert"

"Oh right, you're a fan"

He snorted "I'm in the band"

"Ohh. Well I've never heard of you lot so you better be good" I told him.

"Oh, we are"

I looked at him "A bit conceited are we?"

He laughed "A little. I'm Matty" he held out his hand to me.

"I'm Andi"

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