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"Ta da!" I waved my hands towards the derelict building.

"A crumbling building" Matty said monotonously "Crumbling like my life. Love it"

I rolled my eyes "Don't judge a book by it's cover, come on" I took his sleeve and dragged him towards the entrance.

I gently pushed open the door "Welcome to Mandalay Bay"

Matty gasped at the old hotel's foyer. I watched his eyes widen at the old, dust coated chandelier that hung from the ceiling and at the massive staircase at the end. Then, he looked around at the sand coloured walls with the peeling paint, adorned with paintings of aristocrats and castles, and down at the faded wine coloured carpet beneath his feet.

"It's beautiful" he breathed out, running the tips of his fingers along the top of the counter and gently brushing the dust off them "Why did it close?"

I shrugged "I think they moved it to Vegas. They got greedy"

He headed for the stairs "Are the rooms still intact?"

I nodded "Mmh. A few. The penthouse is the best though. It takes ages by stairs but it's worth it"

"Let's go then!"

We linked arms and together, headed up the creaky stairs to the penthouse.

settle down ❁ matty healyWhere stories live. Discover now