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B- beautiful


"How do I look Ash?"

She always asks me that question and I respond the same every time. She could wear a dress, sweatpants or my clothes and I would still react the same way and tell her how stunningly beautiful she is.

She never thinks of herself as anything special, and I can see where she's coming from. Her sisters unintentionally set a bar line and she always was told by many that she was never that standard.

Standard. What does that even mean anyway? Level of quality and attainment to be specific but that would be rating her? No one deserves to be and no one needs to be rated.

She always used to do whatever she wanted and she never ever let anyone judge her or comment about her. Her incredible confidence was one of the reasons I fell in love with her. Now though, she's a lot more famous being the elite four water Pokemon master and I think just everyone is putting this pressure on her to be beautiful or at a certain standard.

She still has her limits. She hates makeup, nail polish and fancy, frilly dresses but when she has to dress up she always gets nervous, not being up to the standard of beautiful set in magazines.

She gets nit picked over certain things too like being to thin, scrawny and small even though she's known for being a swimmer who swims daily. What do people expect to happen? She's very small yet, strong. The press also hammers her about her hair being to short. They say beautiful women have long hair. I don't get it.

It's hard to tease her now. I could call her scrawny as a joke and she'll just rush over to the mirror and look at her self with this sad look. All thanks to today's beauty standards. Years ago she probably would've hit me with her mallet.

I don't blame Misty for being a little self conscious. With three famous older sisters in the model industry and the press that's following her every move I can understand. That's why I'm here. I'm here to remind her that all the crap that her sisters say about her and all the lies that the press spit out aren't important. I'm here to always tell her the truth and to be there for her.

So that's why when ever she asks me that question I always respond the same.

"Misty, you're beautiful. You were yesterday, you are today and you always will be and nothing is ever gonna change that."

Inspired by a sad tweet, a happy tweet, and a Beyoncé song... Random right?

Hope you liked this one!

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