Chapter 7

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It's almost time, I'm getting so anxious and shaky just thinking about it. All my life I have waited for this moment and it has finally come. I'll be able to leave this Isle and experience life with my three best friends in the whole world, one of them being the love of my life.

As it was getting closer, King Ben gave up on the whole "I'm a princess" joke and Harry and I were making our way over to him ready to give him a bit of a hard time because why not have a little fun? A different kind of fun Harry was suggesting a couple of hours ago but still just as enjoyable.

"Coochy, coochy coo," Harry taunted stroking his hook underneath Ben's chin with a huge smile on his face. I approached him on his other side as he looked away from Harry and towards me. "How's it feel to be king now, eh?" Harry questioned him laughing when Ben didn't respond.

"As long as your girlfriend gives us what we want, you won't be harmed. I hope for both of us that she does because you are a cutie. It's a real shame, you didn't pick a descendant of Flynn Rider instead of Maleficent because who knows what could happened," I flirted kissing him once along his jawline as he didn't flinch or look away like he did with Harry.

"Give it a rest you two. Give it a rest," Uma sighed as we both backed off Ben and Harry was getting agitated. He was not the one to be patient for something that he wants. "We don't want damaged goods."

"You said that I could hook him," Harry stated frustrated as he hung from the ropes and pointed his hook towards Ben.

"I said, at noon," Uma responded as Harry hopped off and pulled out his pocket watch hanging it in front of Ben's face.

"Twenty more minutes," Harry said as Ben looked to him a bit confused.

"That says eleven thirty," Ben told him and he wasn't wrong but telling Harry otherwise isn't a smart decision. "Ah."

"You better hope your girlfriend comes through," Uma said to Ben as Harry and I walked closer to Uma.

"Well she's not my girlfriend anymore," Ben admitted as both Harry and I let out a small chuckle.

"Leave us alone, you two," Uma sighed getting a little frustrated more with Harry than me.

"Nineteen minutes now," Harry told Ben getting up in his face again on the one side as I gave the other side a slight stroke across the cheek as we kept walking off together.

"This is actually happening, I can't believe it," I sighed in absolute amazement on how much are lives were about to change within the hour. Harry and I made our way to the back of the ship resting against the rails on the side of the dock as we sat there talking before the big event that's gonna go down.

"You were getting a little flirty with the king, huh Ria? Anything you want to tell me?" He laughed giving me a little jab in the ribs as I gave him a slight push, thankfully not enough for him to lose his balance and fall into the water. That would have been real awkward and embarrassing, especially if Mal and them showed up at that moment.

"Oh please, I could say the same to you. You're the definition of flirting with anyone you point your hook at. Also a little heavy on the eyeliner today, are we?" I teased but it wasn't a lie. Harry was a huge flirt with literally everyone. Of course it didn't mean anything to him just some harmless fun.

"Don't pretend you don't love it," he whispered before kissing my neck and then moving up to my lips.

"Harry! Ria!" Uma shouted from the other side of the ship as both of us stopped what we doing and jumped down from the railing. We made our way over to Uma and she just rolled her eyes. She clearly saw us making out on the other end of the ship. "Listen up, Harry I want you to untie Ben and Ria you're in charge of Ben when they arrive. If they don't give us the wand, I want you to push him overboard. Understand?" Uma questioned as Ben looked to me fear in his eyes again.

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