until the very end

271 34 168

[ warning ; extreme levels of sappiness and emotional distress ]

alright the time has come.

i'm actually so sad to see this book finish, it's been such a wonderful experience for me and for you guys but i've decided to do something extra special to thank you guys because none of this would have happened - hELL - even been freaking possible without you.

your kind, sweet comments and feedback and support is my motivation to keep doing what i love ; this.

honestly, there have been days where i am feeling absolute crap, nothing seems to go right, i keep comparing my own work to  and my covers are just a worse version of that dancing potato butt cover in the songs unsung chapter but you guys always manage to cheer me up somehow.

sO here are a few (not so few tbh) people who i have to thank

 + -fadedlights

do you remember when we met through you requesting for an account rate from me? you had a beautiful selfie of the even more beautiful (if that's even possible) you in the car seat ft. gorgeous mexican hair and i had a god awful picture of this black and white girl sitting in a chair with a book in her lap and she was gazing wistfully out the window like tf

seriously though, i love you so much, you're smart, gorgeous, talented and so so kind and sweet. you helped me improve so much over all these months so thank you.


you're hardly even active any more on wattpad but i still remember as clear as day when i would enter your cover contests (and fail miserably haha) all the time and that fateful tag and follow spam (i still havent forgotten the awful singing potatoes omg). your witty jokes, blunt humour and unique personality has always brightened up my day and lit up my night like a firefly on drugs (HAHAHA IGNORE THIS, DONT DO DRUGS KIDS STAY IN SCHOOL AND BE A GOOD LITTLE KID)

anyways, back to the point but i love you and oh my god we really need to find a new ship for you since jotoria sank faster than my dreams sigh


kiwi you are one of the absolute graphic legends (yES YOU'RE THE LEGEND HERE NOT ME) like actually tf you use picsart (no offence intended, picsart is simply amazing) and make it seem like photoshop work? like??

you're absolutely amazing and no-one can say otherwise or else i will karate chop their nose so much that they look like fetus voldemort


ahhh omg #fluffybunniessquad that seemed so long ago but oh the good times we shared i absolutely loved waking up to your gorgeous graphics every day and even though updates aren't all that frequent nowadays, your graphics never cease give me life and revive me from the hell that is reality

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