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Hey guys, I hope everyone is having a wonderful summer so far!

This is just a quick little announcement, so I'd like to thank you all now for taking the time to read this.

Your support means so much to me, and I couldn't ask for a better group of readers and followers. <3

So the reason why I started a paypal account is because my boyfriend and I are trying to save up our money so we can go a vacation to Disney World (hopefully next summer!). My boyfriend has a job so every time he gets paid, he'll put a side a bit of that money towards our vacation. As for me, I have been unlucky in even scoring an interview this summer :/ I'll still be looking into some jobs while school starts up again in September, but it didn't feel right to me to have him save up the of money all on his own. I opened up a paypal account to kinda of start like a commission thing here?

If you really absolutely want me to do a oneshot of a certain Transformer character(s) or universe, you can send me the request here in the comment section below as well as letting me know if you would like to donate with the request. I'll post the update with your request, giving you a shoutout, and then you can donate whatever amount you feel comfortable with.

Just a heads up, my account deals with Canadian currency, so if you're living in the US or anywhere else in the world, there's going to be some currency exchange going on, so keep that in mind.

Thank you again for taking the time to read this, the link to my paypal donate page is in the external link button, and have a wonderful day! 

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