The Birthday Beginning

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Today should just be like any other day right? No! Today is your 18th birthday, 5 years ago you tried to take your own life at the top of Mt Ebbott. So much has changed since then and you love your new life however, no one will ever know why you ever climbed Mt Ebbott.

You get out of bed hoping that everyone forgot what day it is but you decide to get dressed for the occasion anyway. After 10 minutes you choose a (s/f/c) crop top and a pair of black skinny jeans. You look in the mirror at the clothes you are wearing, then you suddenly hear a voice from behind you;
"you're showing a bit of skin there (y/n)" startled, you jump and turn around to see Sans, laughing at how startled you are.
"hey calm down (y/n) you'll wake up pap" he says trying to hold in another chuckle.
"Oh yeah... sorry I forgot... What did you want anyway?"
"you mean other than to wish you a happy birthday? you were gonna sneak off before we got to celebrate weren't you?"
"Heh... yeah... but seriously... What did you want?"
"i wanted to know if you wanted to come to grillby's tonight for drinks."
"You mean you couldn't be bothered to get me anything so you are offering me to go out for drinks cause you don't need Pap thinking you are a terrible person?"
"heh yup."
"Sure, fine whatever."
"great! now get back in bed and wait for papyrus to wake you up."
You do as Sans says because you know how much Papyrus loves birthdays. Sans walks out of the room and turns off the light leaving you to your thoughts. And then you remembered you forgot to change back into pyjamas. Crap. You think, Papyrus may be dumb but he isn't that dumb, I gotta change now. You get up and change and get back into bed, two minutes later the skeleton brothers walk in.
"GOOD MORNING HUMAN! WE HAVE MANY PRESENTS AND SWEET TREATS TO SHARE WITH YOU! NYEH HEH HEH!" Papyrus beamed. Sans was there smiling as usual, it's obvious that he's depressed, only pap can't see it.
"Thanks guys." I smile at them both. They mean well, they just don't know how my family treated me on my birthday. Oh well best get this birthday over with.

~~~~~~~~Le time skip~~~~~~~~~
"ok kid. pap is asleep and i'm ready to go. you wanna go get dressed so we can go?" Sans walks over to me, I'm so tired, I only spent an hour with Papyrus and he already tired me out. I just nod at Sans and make a "umph" sound.
I turn to the stairs and start trudging up them. What am I going to wear? I walk into my room and throw open the cupboard doors. I pick up my black skinny jeans. They'll do. I throw them over onto my bed to find a top. I pull out a (f/c) lacy top, it's nice but I'll need something to go under it. I pick up my (s/f/c) crop top from before (A/N: sorry if the colours clash just choose a different colour or something) I walk
over to the bed and put it all on. It looks fine. I grab a pair of black boots with a (preferred height) heel. And a black leather jacket. Yeah it's good enough.
I start walking downstairs if I take to long Sans will fall asleep. I see Sans standing at the base of the stairs waiting for me.
"ready to go (f/n)?"
"Yep." And with that we walk out the door.

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