The hot head

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Sans and I made our way into Grillby's. Unfortunately Sans' shortcut takes us to the outside of Grillby's so I have to get cold before we get inside. We walk in and the warmth immediately hits my face, instantly warming me. Sans chuckles.
"like the warmth (f/n)? the last time you were here you could only have a soda and fries."
"Oh Sans! I see why you come here now! Good food, plenty of drinks and, it's soooo warm! I'll have to tag along with you more often."
As we walk up to the bar I notice that a lot of my monster friends were there and they were all wishing me a happy birthday, I just thanked each of the with a smile and a wave. We get up to the bar and Sans sits down and gestures for me to sit down next to him, before I do I pick up the whoopie cushion off the stool and throw it at him. I'm not falling for that trick again. I hear a deep, husky voice chuckle from the other end of the bar, wait, no deep and husky aren't quite right... what's the word? Oh. Sexy. The voice is super sexy. I look for the owner of the voice and it is none other than the bartender, Grillby I think his name is, yeah that sounds right, Grillby the fire elemental.
"hey grilbz." Sans says waving at Grillby who is walking over.
"Hello Sans. Is this the young lady you said would be joining you? It's a pleasure miss...?" He looks at me inquisitively.
"(L/n) (f/n). But just call me (f/n). It's a nice place you have here Grillby."
"Thank you very much. What can I get you to drink? You can have anything in the bar, free of charge tonight. Happy birthday by the way."
Sans laughs.
"that's not a very sound business practice grilbz. you can just put it on my tab."
"I don't see the difference Sans. You don't pay your tab anyway."
I giggle. It's so cute to see how they interact with each other, one witty comeback after the other. Sans turned his head back to me and did the little twinkle in his eye as if to say do you like him? I shook my head even though it was painfully obvious that I had the hots for him. (A.N: hehehehehehehe puns are my favourite) I turn back to Grillby.
"Hmmm. I think I need a scotch, unlike what most people think I have actually had alcohol before."
"Sure."  Grillby puts a scotch down in front of me and gives a bottle of ketchup to Sans. I giggle and Sans and I start chatting as Grillby goes to serve other customers.
~~~~~~Another time skip. This is a thing now~~~~~~
I'm sitting on the stool drinking a (favourite flavour) soda. I'm not really a big drinker anyway and, the last thing I need is to get tipsy. Sans left hours ago but I was just happy to sit there in thought. Every now again I'd feel someone staring at me and I would look up to see Grillby looking at me from afar. I just slip back into my long deep thoughts not really paying any mind to the fact that Grillby keeps looking at me. Until, as I was just thinking about getting a job I hear;
"What are you thinking about (y/n)?" It's Grillby leaning over the bar looking at me. I notice that the bar is starting to clear out. Oh. Closing time.
"A lot of stuff really, sorry I should be getting out of here and letting you pack up shouldn't I?" Grillby starts walking around to the other side of the bar and takes a seat next to me. He obviously doesn't care that I'm still here, he puts his head on his hands and looks at me, waiting for me to start telling him what I was thinking about.
"Ok if you must know Grillby, I was thinking about getting a job, I've been in the underground for five years now and people have gotten everything for me but I think it is time to start looking after myself."
"Well, do you have any experience working in a bar? You could get a job here if you want one." I must of had some sort of surprised look on my face because Grillby gave a small chuckle.
"I have a little experience from the surface but that's it." I say looking away from him with a light blush on my cheeks, his gaze is so heavy.
"Well then... You're hired!" We both laugh and I give him a small hug.
"Thanks Grilbz." I whisper in his ear, sounding a little bit sexual, whoops, guess I really do like him. I pull away and get up to go clear some of the tables for him. As I get up I see he has a slight blue tint on his cheeks. He watches me clear and clean the tables before I come and sit back down next to him.
"How'd I do boss?" I smile playfully at him.
"Uhh... pretty good.... you uh... didn't have to do that you know." He's still a little flustered.
"Yeah but, if I'm gonna work for you I better at least try. Which reminds me, what time do you want me here tomorrow?" He snaps out of his trance.
"Uh three hours before closing, that's our busiest." His blush disappears, I nod with a little "uh huh" sound and get up to leave.
"You want me to walk you home (y/n)? It's pretty late, and cold. Plus it's a long way back to your house."
"Well how far away is your house from ours? I don't want you to go out of your way for me." I say, blushing at the fact he wants to walk me home.
"Oh I live upstairs." He points to a side door which obviously lead to some stairs. Oh. He'd really be going out of his way. But before I could say anything he walks over to me and wraps me in an embrace. I was a little surprised but I hugged him back, cuddling into his warm chest.
When we pull away I look up at him as if expecting an explanation but instead he just picks me up bridal style and carries me upstairs bridal style. He looks down into my eyes with his glowing ones and says,
"Or you could just stay here the night and I don't have to worry about you." He said, a grin stretching across his face. 
"Ok but, no funny business you hot head." I giggle at my little pun, they have always been my favourite.
"Oh no, Sans has corrupted you..." he says with a chuckle
"No, I've had a skeleton of puns before that bag of bones even tickled my funny bone" I start to giggle and Grillby roles his eyes.
"One more bad pun and I will have to punish you" he says with a smirk
"What you don't find them humerus?" I grin back feeling pleased with myself.
"Oh they are cleaver but they are so much like paper it isn't funny." I look at him confused. Like paper? Oh wait, here comes a bad pun.
"Cause they are tearable!" We both burst out laughing as Grillby finally puts me down into a bed. I gladly flop onto the surprisingly comfortable bed and Grillby gets in next to me, wait... what? I look over at him but before I can say anything he grabs my chin and kisses me.
1280 words and this chapter is done! I'm typing this on my phone using the Wattpad app, I hope you enjoy this chapter and sorry for the cliffhanger! If you enjoyed please leave a vote and if you have any feedback write it in the comments. If you have a suggestion of a story you would like you can either put who the ship would be (____x_____) in the comments or if you have a more detailed suggestion please send me an email at and say in the topic section dear author chan. Don't forget to put your username so that I can give you a shout out! Ok that's all from me! I will update soon, my thumbs hurt now, oh and this chapter took me 10 minutes to write.

Grillby x female reader lemonWhere stories live. Discover now