My first day (An actual chapter)

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(A/N: hey guys, so this is from the point where you are back at home cause Sans picked you up in the morning, you're getting ready for work)
"so you got a job? working for grilbz?" Sans was confirming with me what I just spent the last twenty minutes explaining to him.
"Yes Sans. Which means that I'm going to be annoying you to pay your fucking tab."
"(y/n) language."
"English" sans lets out a small chuckle and I walk upstairs to get changed. Grillby said that I could change into my uniform when I got there. He was probably joking about me having a cute uniform, that would put me in trouble seeing that there are drunks there.
I open my cupboard and look at my cloths, ripped black skinny jeans and a new shirt that Sans and Papyrus got me. It's (f/c) with writing on the back saying "hands off" I put on my black boots with a relatively high heel and my leather jacket.
I go downstairs and I see Sans sleeping on the couch. I walk over and shake him.
"Sans wake up I need your help" sans wraps his arms around me like he always does and tries to go back to sleep.
"Saaaaaans! I need your help!"
"ugh what kid?" He says without even open his eyes.
"I need a lift to Grillby's, can we use your shortcut?"
"ok but, you have to get me a ketchup"
"Deal!" I say, it's so easy to get him to do what I want. He stands up and wraps one arm around my waist and shortcuts us to Grillby's we walk in and Grillby and I immediately lock eyes, I give him a small wave and he smiles. Sans walks over to the bar,
"hey grilbz" Grillby just nods at him with his eyes still on me. I start walking over to the bar and Grillby gestures for me to go upstairs. I walk over to the door and start climbing the stairs. At the top I see some clothes laid out on the couch and a note, it reads; here's your uniform, nothing skimpy, only I can see you like that- Grillby <3
I feel a light blush hit my face and I pick up the uniform, black skinny jeans with black leather details, a black T-shirt and a white waist apron. I walk into the bathroom and lock the door and start to change. When I'm done changing I fold my cloths and put them on the couch where my uniform was and I walk back down stairs. Grillby looks over at me as I walk out and smiles, I walk behind the bar and start serving people, cleaning tables and taking orders. I walked into the kitchen and Grillby follows me in.
"You got the orders?" He asks me as I hand him my notepad, he grabs my hand and pulls me into a kiss. I instantly kiss back before we both pull away and he takes the note book out of my hand, a light blush on both of our faces.
"I better get out on the floor... talk to you later" I say to him as I walk out. He makes a "uh huh" sound as I walk out. I walk behind the bar and start talking to customers as I serve them. Sans waves me over and I get out another bottle of ketchup for him.
"thanks kid. how's your first day going?" I think for a moment...
"Really well, oh Papyrus will be home in 10 minuets, you better go pick up your socks off the floor."
"oh yeah, thanks kid i forgot about that, can you get grilbz to bring ya home? i have sentry duty"
"K" I nod and start serving other people as Sans gets up and leaves.

~~~~~~Le time skip~~~~~~

I kick the last person out of the bar and lock the front door and turn the sign to closed. I walk over to one of the tables to clear it when I feel a pair of warm arms wrap around my waist, I blush and turn around.
"You did really well today (y/n)" he says staring down into my eyes. He cups my face with his hand and pulls me closer I blush and close the gap between our lips, his warm mouth pressing roughly against mine, pulling me in closer. I can tell he wants more than a kiss but for now I ignore it. We finally pull away taking a deep breath.
"Hey Grilbz, can you walk me home? Sans has sentry duty." I look up at him innocently, trying too make it seem like I don't know what he wants. He smirks at me.
"Sure. Go upstairs and change into your other clothes, then we'll go." I nod and run upstairs to change, I walk into the bathroom and lock the door. I get changed very quickly and fold my uniform, picking it up and leaving the room. I walk down the stairs.
"Ok Grillby I'm ready to go." I look at him and he gives me a bag to put my clothes in and a coat that has been warming up, I take of my leather jacket and put the coat on. He opens the door and I step out through it, he closes and locks the door behind himself and the catches up to me, the cold already nibbling at my face and hands the warm jacket instantly colder. Grillby wraps one arm around me pulling me in close to warm me up. I smile and blush a little and we walk to my house in a comfortable silence.
When we get to the front door Grillby lets go of me so I can get out my key and unlock the door,
"I'm home!" I shout as I open the door.
"HELLO HUMAN! I WAS JUST ABOUT TO GO TRAIN WITH UNDYNE! OH HELOOO GRILLBY! PLEASE DO COME IN!" Grillby nods and steps in the door after me and shuts it behind him.
"Are you going to be staying over at Undyne's?" I asked forgetting what Grillby told me last night.
"I'll be back in a minute I'm just gonna change into something more comfortable." I should down the stairs.
I open the door to my room and lock it behind me like I always do when I'm changing. I look through my cloths and find my favourite (f/c) hoodie and black leggings. I get out a pair of ugg boots and put it all on, put my (hair length) hair into a messy bun. The perfect one I might add, and start walking back downstairs to see Papyrus gone and Grillby sitting on the couch waiting for me.
"Papyrus told me to tell you that he'll be home with Sans at twelve o'clock" I nod and walk into the kitchen.
"You want anything to eat Grilbz?" I say opening the fridge. I feel his arms wrap around my waist and his head rest on my shoulder.
"Nah... thanks anyway" he says pecking me on the cheek, a blush immediately hitting my face.
"So uhh... do you wanna watch a movie?" I say calming down.
"Sure!" He says picking me up bridal style and putting me on the couch. He chooses a movie and we start watching
1262 words 30 minuets. Hope you guys enjoyed the chapter and as always, vote if you liked and comment what I could do better ect. Ect. I sound like a YouTuber constantly repeating myself... have a great day you guys!

Grillby x female reader lemonDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora