The two reasons why

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...but before I could say anything he grabs my chin and kisses me.
What is going on? I without even thinking I kiss him back and, he turns a once sweet and delicate into a lustful and passionate one. He wraps his hand around my hair. When we finally break away for air I put one finger up to my lips and he looks at me confused.
"Grillby... whilst I want to do this more than anything there are two big reasons why we can't and I think you know what they are don't you? " he looks at be with pain in his eyes and says
"Well I can figure out one... we just met... that's a big one but, what's the second one? You're not ready to loose your virginity?" I shake my head I would gladly give that to you anyday I think to myself. " You're my boss now Grillby, bosses can't go fucking their staff... you should know that..." he chuckles to himself. Did I say something funny?
"(Y/n) I thought you would be more worried that Sans would hang, draw and quarter me if he found out, I don't care if you're my employee or not, I know that I want this but, I can respect you if you aren't ready yet"
"Well I may not be ready to go all the way but..."
Without having to say anything else Grillby slammed his lips back onto mine in a lustful rage of emotions. He wanted to ignore everything I said and fuck me senseless but he also wanted me to feel safe around him so, he resorted to this, a way for him to convey all of it and none of it at the same time. I wrap my arms  around his neck and play with the little tufts of fire on the back of his head. When we broke away again he didn't plunge back in like I expected.  Instead he flopped down beside me and said;
"Oh I forgot to tell you that you have a really cute uniform to wear tomorrow" he grins and turns to look at my face and I shove a pillow in his. He laughs as he pulls me in close to him and removes the pillow.
"Here's a warning for you (y/n) one of these days you are going to make me snap and I will fuck you so hard you're brain falls out. Let's hope you feel comfortable before then, we wouldn't want that to happen" I turn bright red and hide my face in the sheets. He pulls me into a warm embrace and kisses the top of my head. And gets up, and walks out of the room closing the door gently behind him. He obviously doesn't want to make me uncomfortable. I drift off into a deep sleep.

476 words, 5 minuets. Wow I checked this morning and someone is actually reading my story!!! Thank you so much! If you enjoy this please vote and I'll know to make more! Leave a comment saying what I could do better and have an amazing day!

Grillby x female reader lemonWhere stories live. Discover now