A.U high

68 1 3

Mia pov .
I had woken up by the sound of my damn alarm I slammed down on it hard as i groggily sat up i swung my legs off the bed and did my usual routine i went down stairs and hugged my mom "see you later mom" i smiled as i let go and waved goodbye , *timeskip to midoriya in a broccoli costume  ╰(*´︶'*)╯* i reached the gates of A.U  i looked and found class 1A I saw a boy with wild green hair he was in the way so I tapped his shoulder as he turned he had freckles with green eyes I had moved my hand in a motion telling him to move and that's what he did , I walked in all eyes on me instead of the green haired boy I shrugged it off and sat in a seat I saw a blond haired boy he had his feet on the desk and was cursing under his breath   I gave him a confused look "what are you looking at ? " he growled at me , I was slightly taken back but I just shrugged it off and said "i dunno , you tell me hedgehog " he got up from his seat and yelled "what di you say ?! " he screamed as i noticed little explosions going off in his palms "i said i dunno you tell me hedgehog what are you deaf ? " i laughed and smirked he grabbed my tie and pulled me close to his face "say that again and i'll blast you out of this class room " i rolled my eyes and put my hands on his wrist and pricked him with sharp crystals he let go of me and held his wrist "ah ! What the fuck was that ?! " he yelled as the crystals went back into my palm " you shouldn't grab a girl like that " i said stone cold and sat back down and the teacher came in with a yellow sleeping bag , he had told the class we will be using out quirks , i smirked and turned to the blond male "im Mia Koro " i smiled as if that incident never happended , he side glanced me "Katsuki Bakugo " he said as we all gotten up changed in our PE clothes and went outside we were told to use our quirks for the softball throw , Katsuki was up first he used his explosion quirk to send the ball flying , he got 700.3 i was impressed other people went untill it was my turn i had throws my arm back and one i was going to throw it then flat powerful crystals shot out of my palm sending it flying 696.0 not bad i thought . as the same green haired boy went up next he was about to throw it but he only got 59 meters , i was confused until i saw Aizawa with his hair in the air and his eyes staring at the broccoli boy after telling broccoli boy that destroying his body can't be used as an excuse , after that we went back into class  after that the day went by at a acceptable pace , it was the end of the day i grabbed my bag and left the class i was running i wanted to greet my mother as fast as possible while running i bumped into someone "ah , sorry " i said bowing down slightly as i saw the person , he was male with a strange white and red hair with his left side having a burn mark "your fine " he said in a monotone  voice " oh ... Um hey aren't you in class 1A ? " i asked "yes , your Mia Koro " he said with a small smile , ' he's very nice for someone who doesn't talk in class " i thought "ahh yes ! Im sorry but i have to go it was nice meeting you !" i said bowing down and sprinting out the gates of the school . this year is going to be great .

AGHHHHH IM SORRY this chapter is really long and I've had a lot of ideas hnnnnn  

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