in the morning

20 1 6

as the morning came i woke up groggily my memories flooded back in my head as i blushed bakugo had his arm warped around my waist as i tried to wake him up , he didn't wake up but i managed to squirm out of his grip as i changed into some clothes and went down stairs i took a deep breath and grabbed a pot and spoon and banged it hard in the living room "WAKE YOUR ASSES UP FUCKERS" i yelled while banging the spoon on the pan everyone jumped as sora was on todokori , who fell to the ground and kirishima and denki jumped 20 ft in the air screaming like little girls i smirked and said "good morning everyone " and went to go make breakfast i blushed remembering last nights event but continued to make breakfast which was simple pancakes and eggs i served everyone , including bakugo since he went to the living room i then sat on the floor and we watched tv enjoying the breakfast


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