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As sora slashed it's neck i let out a low growl 'why does she have to kill everything that is in my way ' i thought as i saw her eyes red and covering her eye with her hand , todokori was sitting down while me and sora were just standing , clenching my fist and gritting my teeth , 'what the fuck !? ' i thought while looking down , i looked up "okay , i think i should  stay up and keep watch , tomorrow is sora , then after sora is todokori" i said swiftly turning around before any of them could protest putting on my boots still having the situation on my mind "don't help me tonight I stay up " i growled emphasising the me and I . " both  of you should get some rest . " i said and walking out slamming the door as i climbed to the roof i realised hot tears were streaming down my face "the fuck ? why am i crying " i asked myself rubbing the tears away , growling i clenched my teeth "it's nothing . She's just use to having no soul and having everything on her mind" i said while sitting down keeping an eye out for anyone

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