spending the night ?

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As me and sora finished with our bath we wrapped our selves in our towels as we went to the room , it still wasn't clean the boys were working on it but there was so much ketchup on the floor i sweat dropped "gomen ! I used like the whole bottle" i said smirking and looking to the side "alright get out we need to change " sora told the boys "tes ma'am " they all said as they walked out i then closed and locked the door as me and sora were changing i asked "should we let them spend​ the night ? " it was already 11 and it was waaaay to dark to be outside , sora hesitated but reluctantly agreed as we changed i was in a loose tank top with some black shorts and sora was wearing some tights with a allmight shirt as we finally changed i said "if todokori doesn't make a move on you im killing him " i said in a joking manner as we laughed we went downstairs to see the boys talking as i made a sassy pose i said "and the twins , are here ~ " i then heard sora snort then i snorted and laughed as we were holding our stomachs , s our laughing git was over me and sora put yet another scary movie on ~ 

     { *oikawa voice * gomen iwa-channnn ! Ik this is short 😐 }

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