fighting pt 2

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I growled as sora and father fought i was busy with the 3 other villains , " YOU COCKSUCKING BASTARDS DIE !!! " i screamed in anger sending my crystals shooting from the ground it impaled there feet "DON'T YOU EVER THINK ABOUT PRAYING ON A CHILD AGAIN AND IF I EVER SEE YOU NEAR MY FAMILY AGAIN YOU DIE " i yell out in pure anger and rage as there was a piece of broken glass  on the floor , i saw my reflection , my eyes were black along with red dots for my eyes i was concerned but not to concerned i then turned my attention to my father "SORA IM GOING TO HELP YOU I DON'T CARE I WILL HELP YOU " i screamed out launching my crystals at father "IF YOU WANNA HURT US SO BADLY THEN I SHOULD JUST KILL YOU " i roared out at the top of my lungs with a smile on my face "BRING MY ONE AND ONLY SISTER PAIN I WILL FUCKING KILL YOU AND WE WILL BECOME HERO'S ALL BY OURSELF WE WILL NEVER BECOME LIKE YOU , YOU WORTHLESS SACK OF SHIT" i cried out and my crystals impailed his  legs "GO SORA " i urged her adrenaline... Pain... Revenge.. Was coursing through my body

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