Chapter 1.

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  • Dedicated to anyone who is readingggg <3

Dear Diary,

Morning! 4th entry this week aye? Well that’s a first! I guess this is the only way I can really express my feelings without feeling judged. Its hurting again by the way, like it always does. If your wondering what ‘it’ is if you’ve forgot it’s my heart! I’m spending next week at Zayn’s. With the boys, help me?! Well anyway, today I’m meeting up with him for the first time in a good few weeks. I miss him like crazy but I guess you already knew that. My feelings you ask? I thought that this time being away from him would make my feelings go right? Wrong. Its made them 100x stronger! I need him with me. I need to see them chocolate brown orbs and them luscious eyelashes that I am insanely jealous of! Which he knows by the way. I wonder what I could wear today. I mean; I need to look good don’t I! I need to impress him. I wonder how Sarah is doing? I’m totally joking, I don’t care! The only thing is, I cant exactly hate her because she’s so sweet! Eurgh, why does this have to happen to me Diary? Why me? Anyway, I better get ready! Its already 10:50 and I’m meeting him at star bucks at 12!

Love, Leila xxx

Putting my Diary back in my mahogany draw, I crawled out of bed and went straight into the bathroom to go for a relaxing shower.

I washed my long darkish brown hair with a raspberry shampoo and conditioner. After finishing up in the shower I went to plan my outfit. Deciding on something simple; I pulled on some ripped skinny jeans and a simple tee.

“you just gotta ignite, the light and let it shine, just own the night like the 4th of July, cause’ baby you’re a firework come on show em’ what your worth, make em’ go oh oh oh as you shoot across the sky-y-y”

I sang along with the music.

After lightly curling my hair and adding all the natural makeup, I was finished getting ready. Checking the time; it was 11:46 which gave me enough time to get myself to star bucks and not be late.


“Morning Leila, the usual?” John, ‘star bucks guy’ asked.

“of course! But I‘ll also have a tea, milk, 2 sugars for my friend” I said with a smile.

“coming right up, I’ll bring them over”

“thanks John”

Sitting in the corner to avoid fans, I pulled out my white iPhone 4s and clicked onto the twitter app.

‘Hot chocolate on a Saturday morning! #lush’

Within half a minute later, I had 50+ retweets, mainly due to the fact I have loads of ‘Directioners’ on here, is that what they’re called? I laughed and slipped my phone back into my pocket.

Not long after, I saw Zayn enter star bucks, my heart skipped a beat and began racing as he approached me, a smile was spread across his face and his sparkling white teeth were on show.

“Leila!” he said with his low husky voice.

“Zayn!” I squealed, quietly.

“I’ve missed you”

“I’ve missed you too, you know Bradford isn’t the same without you”

“you say that every time I visit”

“yeah I know but its true! Anyway, I ordered you a tea”

“milk, 2 sugars?”



After 2 hours, 3 hot chocolates and a whole lot of catching up later Zayn got a phone call, who I’m guessing was from Sarah, his girlfriend. My heart almost ripped in two when I saw the name light up on the screen.

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