
998 19 5

13 years ago

Winry's POV

She never thought she see her little girl be so much like her father. Winry held that little new born baby in her arms. She heard a loud squeak or was it a scream come from the woods. "Edward, I'm going out for a while" There was a long pause from her and her spouse. He finally replied with a sigh.

"Okay, but where are you going?" Winry didn't answer. Before another word was said she was out of the house

She finally reached the place she heard the scream. "Hello?" She paused and looked to see if there was any sign of a human or anything hurt or worst. She again said,"Hello anyone there?" The only answer was a sinister laugh. Winry slowly walked away from the voice. She held her baby girl close to her.

She felt cold laugh on her bare neck. She flinched and turned around quickly. Her breath speeded up. She was scared and questioned herself. 'Why did I even come out here?' As she turned around and head back home, she saw a shadowy figure come out of the trees.

Right when she was about to run she heard and clicking sound. Then she saw a gun be pulled right in front of her eyes. The shadow was going to do the unthinkable....Kill her.

Winry all the sudden fell to her knees and whimpered with fear and begged, "Please don't kill me, I have my daughter with me....please."

The shadow smirked, "I can't do that, can I Winry."

She cried even harder, "WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM ME?!"

Right when the shadow shot at her, "Revenge, Winry Elric, Revenge!" The shadow took the baby girl from Winry's arms. At this point the baby screamed for her mother to save her. Winry reached out for her baby. Before Winry could act, she felt a piercing pain go through her chest. She was shot she gave out an agonizing scream of pain. Then she felt another shot rip though her. She fell to the ground and closed her eyes. Winry voice became hoarse, "Rose....." Winry then tried to scream out for help, but she couldn't. Winry felt a tear roll down her cheek. She knew this was it. Winry closed her eyes and breathed her last.

Envy's POV

Envy looked over his kill. He smiled like he just heard a pleasing joke, "Oh Edward come and save me." Envy mocked Winry. He knew he better leave before Edward came or he would have to join Winry. He looked at the baby girl, but what about her? Should I kill her to?

When Envy was thinking he heard that amunist scream out, "Winry are you okay?" It was time to go. He jumped up in the trees and disappeared. He stared at the lifeless body and saw Edward fall to his knees.  

Envy smirked and whispered to the baby that Winry called Rose, "I'm your father and your name is Black Rose."

He heard Edward scream out in agonizing pain, "Envy where ever you are. I'll find you and kill you!"

Envy whispered again, "And Edward Elric is your enemy." With that Envy vanished without a trace with the baby.

For years Edward search for his child. He knew his daughter was alive. Little did he know is that Envy was teaching her how to become his worst nightmare. 13 years past since that day. Edward gave up with trying to find her. His target was now to find Envy and bring Winry's soul to rest.

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