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"Taylor. Can I speak with you" I asked her, in the morning. She just got up and she was going into the kitchen for probably some tea. While, I was lying on the couch with only a blanket to cover my nakedness. Stella was snoring next to me. 

Taylor didn't answer, she just shot me a dirty look and went inside the kitchen, giving me the time I need to put my pant on. 

Last night Stella was uncontrollable. She was all over me and I couldn't resist this time, unfortunately. I told you what sort of a person I am. 

"Taylor. You really have to listen to me." I said calmly, trying not to lose my patience. She's been painfully silent all the time and it makes me more nervous and also a slight bit of angry. Why does this girl have so much control over my emotions? Why is she making me feel guilty all the damn time?

"Harry I am not interested." She said quietly, not even looking up to my face."Leave me alone." She added, a bit loudly this time.

I lost it. Why should she still be angry with me? It's not like I cheated on her, right? 

I pushed her to the kitchen wall and trap her in between my arms. She was shocked, surprised and embarrassed. I stared at her, but she was avoiding it, trying to get away from the position we were in. There is no chance that I am going to let that happen. 

"We are leaving today. We could earn some while travelling also. And, why are you so angry at me? huh?" I asked her, leaning closer to her face. She was still struggling but not a word came out of her mouth. 

"Are you angry because I sent that guy away? Well, guess what Taylor, if you wanted someone in bed, I am good enough to satisfy those needs of yours." I said, with a really deep voice. I inched my face even more in and I pushed her back. I was leaning in to kiss her, and I looked into her eyes. 

She was terrified, and there were tears in her eyes. She was sweating and I could see how scared she was. I immediately snapped out of my stupid mood swing after seeing her cry. What the hell was I even doing? I let her go and she ran inside her room crying. 

Shit. I messed up things so badly. I stood in the exact spot for a while and scratched my head. What could I possibly do to fix this? I'm about a ninety percent sure that she will never want to see my face again. 

Well done, Harry. Well done. 


Stella left to work and before going, she persuaded me to stay for one last dinner with her. I agreed reluctantly. 

Taylor hasn't come out of her room once, and it worried me so much. 

Most of the day I spent lying on the couch, watching TV and looking over at her door, hoping she would come out and we would sort things off. But I know that its highly unlikely. 

I played the guitar for a while, something abstract that just came to my mind and closed my eyes. I saw those electric blue eyes, nothing but those and  the intensity with which I strummed the strings increased and got louder and louder. 

Back home, I used to do this a lot. Whenever I got triggered, or angry and I couldn't do anything about it, I'd just play the guitar loudly until my fingers bled. It would be painful but satisfying. 

That is what is happening now. I kept playing, changing the chords and soon enough, I could feel a sharp pain on my fingers. They were probably bleeding right now but I don't care. My eyes were still closed and I focussed on the image my brain played in my head. 

The deep electric blue eyes. I've probably seen those sternly only a couple of times but the effect they have on me is something so powerful, strong and unfamiliar to me. I have never felt that way towards anyone. 

It was like I was captured in those eyes, like those eyes were hypnotising me and making me drown into an ocean full of beautiful things. I imagined myself floating in those, I imagined those eyes crinkling while she had a huge smile on her face. 

Why is this happening to me? Why do I not feel like stopping this imagination process right away? The strumming got faster and faster and the pain increasing, and I could feel the blood flowing out. 

I was like a madman, not caring about the pain, going even faster and just thinking about her eyes. I didn't want to open my eyes, I didn't want to lose the peace I'm getting from her eyes. 

It's not even love, its just some kind of mental torture, a suffering. I can't get it, I just need it and I'm going to die in the process of trying to get her into staring into my soul with those eyes of hers. 

It was karma being a bitch to me for playing with the lives of so many girls, for being extremely mean and not caring about others feelings. 

"Are you mad? Harry!?" I heard someone yell and snatch the guitar out of my hands. Now the pain was really too much, I finally felt it and I winced. But I still didn't open my eyes. 

"You're bleeding. Harry...your..your fingers.. oh my god, are you crazy?" Same caring voice asked me, wrapping a cloth around my fingers and pressing them lightly in her soft hands. 

"Harry, are you okay? Why did you do this to yourself?" She questioned me. 

I didn't answer. I didn't want to answer  her. 

"Open your eyes, are you with me? Harry, are you with me?" She was panicking now, and I nodded. After a few seconds, I finally opened my eyes. 

Those blue eyes were in front of me, not in some distant dream, she was sitting close to me, and there was fear marked in her eyes. Even prevalent than fear was how much she cared. She was worried and she just stared at me, waiting for me to say something. 

"Are you with me? Can you hear me?" She asked me once again, and brushed my injured fingers softly. 

"Always..." I whispered as loudly as I could, without looking away from her eyes. My energy got drained out and my body shut down. Last thing I remember, me collapsing on Taylor's shoulders and hearing her sob lightly. 


Harry is in love. In how many more chapters do you think he will realise that? Comment below! And also, do vote and share :)


Mallory x

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