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"I'll miss you so much" Harry groaned, holding my waist tightly and not letting me get up. 

"Harry, its just a day babe, I'll be back." I giggled, looking at how he was behaving. 

"Promise me you'll come back" He said, and I was taken aback. I don't know why he was thinking that I'd leave him and go away. But I didn't want to argue now, its probably one of his insecurities and I don't want him to worry too much. 

"Promise. I'll be back by ten okay?" I kissed him passionately. 

We were in bed, tangled sheets and my legs over his. 

"Haz, I really need to get ready, so can you please let me go now" I asked him, and he hesitantly let me go. 

This side of Harry was new to me now, and I want to be real gentle with him. 

I took a bath, and wore a plain sweatshirt on blue jeans, an outfit I'm pretty sure Karlie would disapprove. I was tying my hair into a pony when Harry slithered his arms on my waist. 

"Let it down. You look gorgeous" He said, and I smirked. 

"How gorgeous?" I asked him playfully. 

"So much that I can't say anything to your face" He murmured, and kissed my neck. It sent tingles through my body, that was the first he ever kissed me there. 

"I love you" I said, turning towards him, and hugging him. 

"I love you too, now go and have fun with your bestie, while I manage the cash counter in boring starbucks." He whined. 

I laughed, and kissed his forehead. 

"I'll be back soon"


"Taylor honestly, we stay apart for six months and your wardrobe is back to shit again? Oh god, I guess I have to keep dragging your ass to shopping every opportunity I find." She sighed, just like I expected her. I chuckled, I always loved to drive her up the wall and make her go crazy. 

"Well, now you're here. Lets go" I nudged her. 

"Alright fine, come one." She smiled, and we got into a cab. 

"Where are we going?" I asked her. 

"Chanel, then prada, then maybe victoria's secret, and H and M, I saw this cute skirt there yesterday, by the way.." She went on. 

"Woah woah, Karlie, calm down. I'm on the run, not on the way to attend balls and parties." 

"I know. But you need all of this to run away in style, and come on, Harry is going to love Victoria's secret on you!" Karlie said. 


"Nope. Nope. Nope. I'm not listening to anything you are going to say. The bill is on me, and consider this a favour you'll owe me for all your life" She said, blew me a kiss. 

"Urghhh I hate it, you are so persuasive." I whined. 

"That I am, babe" She winked. 

I yawned, and walked lazily behind Karlie into H&M. All the sales girls were looking at me as if they just saw a ghost, and it was so annoying. 

"How can I help you?" A tall lady approached Karlie and asked her sweetly, while eyeing at me in disgust. 

" We need some clothes for this one. She has really long legs, so we are looking for something short that could you know...show off her legs...and sparkly dresses, because they suit her so well" Karlie spoke, and they were looking at me as if I was a an exhibit piece that had to be decorated. 

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