Chapter three

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Marks POV

I march confidently into my art class, the one and only class I have with Jack.

I find him, already sat in the seat next to the one I chose, looking out the window with a small smile. I walk over, tapping him on the opposite shoulder. The second he turns his head I sit down in the seat in front of him while his head it turned. He turns back to me, jumping a little when he sees me.

"Good one," he laughs, light embarrassment covering his face. "I hope we're doing some actual art today. I may be awful, but I find it fun."

"Me too. The stuff that's the most fun is the stuff you're bad at."

"Yes! Why does no one else get that?"

"My friend Ethan gets that. We played this arrow dodge game and he was horrible at it even though he was the smallest, most spry one of all of us but he had such a good time! I don't know if he liked the adrenaline or if he just liked shooting us with arrows but he seemed to enjoy himself even with the bruises he got."

Jack laughs. "Your friends sound great."

"They're the best. You should meet them." An idea pops into my head, and it immediately falls out of my mouth. "Would you like to sit with us at lunch today?"

Jacks smile somehow widens, his perfect blue eyes sparkling an-- holy shit, Mark, could you get more gay?

"I'd love that! Felix is ill today, so I was planning on sitting alone today, but I like this much better!"


Mrs Becker enters the room, rolling the paint cart in front of her. Jack squeals in excitement, making me laugh.

"I love painting!" He exclaims. I try not to shush him and kill his joyous nature.

"Today we're going to be painting some flowers for the set of this years school variety show," Mrs Becker announces, walking around and handing each of us a sheet of paper and a paint brush. "You'll have to be in pairs, because we don't have enough paints for everyone to have a tray of their own."

"Partner?" Jack offers. I smile, nodding. Jack nudging his desk over until we're side by side. He gives me a wide grin and excitedly bounces until we get our paints.


By the end of class, I've gone through five sheets, front and back, all with deformed flowers. I only get the last one right because Jack does a rough sketch for me. Turns out, he's not as terrible an artist as he made himself out to be.

We hand up our pictures, sitting back down side by side.

"That was fun!" Jack grins.

"I agree." I tilt my head into a smile, enjoying the sight in front of me. Screw trying to sound less gay, lets gay it up. I'm as gay as they get. I'll be a stereotype and everything if it means this beautiful creature thinks of me a tad as fondly as I think of him.

"I'd like to help more with the variety show. I was thinking of asking about performing in it but..." he trails off, giving me a simple shrug and a giggle.

"Why not? I mean, if it's something that will make you happy, don't let anything hold you back."

The bell rings, and I follow him out of class.

"What do you have next?" I ask, walking with him to his locker.


"I'll walk you there." Jack smiles, grabs his books from his locker, and walks with me down the hallway. "Why shouldn't you perform if you want to?"

"I don't know, I just thought it'd be fun, I wasn't seriously considering it. Besides, I'm not really good at much."

"Well, you said you weren't good at art class either and you painted a kick ass flower."

Jack rolls his eyes playfully, nudging my shoulder with his. "I don't know."

"Well, if you want to help with the set, I can go with you."


"Yeah, why not? It sounds like a good time. I'll talk to Mrs Becker after school."

"Thanks Mark!" Jack squeals, pulling me into a tight hug. Well, kind of tight. He's a small boy.

"Anytime! Now get to class, you crazy haired hooligan!"

Jack laughs, running down the hall to make it before his maths teacher shuts the door. I smile after him, not bothering to think about my tardiness to science class. The amount that I don't care is catastrophic.

All I care about, is seeing that perfect smile more often.

(*whispering to self* okay, Will, try not to be embarrassing! They already think you're awkward from the "yo yo" incident. You're messing this up for us--wait... you're typing this aren't you? You moron. *facepalms*

Moving on, yay! Chapter three!! Who's excited? No one? That's fair... I like this book, it's fun to write.

{I should also mention, Will is a nickname.  I don't want to confuse people. I'm a girl :)}

See you in the next one! *waves*)

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