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Bix started to pat my hair, trying to put out the fire that had transferred from flaming bag that had once been on my head before he had lasered it off. I wasn't concerned about the burning hair, which smelled awful, as much as I was about the men who had tried to kidnap me. I was in the least populated part of the city right now since I had wanted to find a place to sleep, but I was wide-awake now and wanted to find a crowd so that whoever those people were would lose me in the crowd. 

I bolted down an alley, my lungs and legs burned from the effort while Bix clung on and I hoped he wouldn't fall off. I was about to whip past a cross section but a figure sped out from behind the corner, dust flying up as the towering man slid to a halt, blocking my path. "Shit!" I skidded to a stop and quickly turned to go back in the direction I had come. After I sprinted through a dust cloud, I saw another figure blocking my path. I stopped yet again, breathing heavily as I watched the two men stalk towards me. They closed in as Bix ran circles around my neck in fear. 

There was nowhere else to run, but, fortunately, the walls weren't the slick metal sheets like the nicer buildings in the city. I backed up against one wall, glancing at the men, before running at the wall on the other side of the alley. I jumped, clinging to the tiny indents between the bricks. My fingers hurt from holding onto such a small ledge, if you could even call it that, but I climbed up and up, windows passed by me faster as I ascended the wall. A women with sleek black hair peeked her head out of a window above me. I smiled at her, but when I tried to go past her, she stuck her arm out and forcefully pushed me off the wall. 

My fingers left the wall, and I dropped down. The windows sped past me as I fell, staring at the women who had had shoved me in shock. I'd never seen her before, but most people in this part of the city tended to be kind and helpful to anyone. I saw Bix clinging to my burnt hair before I closed my eyes, bracing for the impact.

It never came though. The fall ended with being caught by the two men instead of the crash landing I was expecting. Both of the men were tall, one about six feet high, however the other one seemed well over six feet and was all muscle with a mess of blond hair at the top of his head. The blond picked me up and hung me over his shoulder without a problem despite my fighting. 

I punched and kicked while glaring at his dark haired friend who glared right back, as if I was interfering with his plans by not wanting to be captured. He plucked Bix out of my hair and pulled a knife from his pocket. "NO!" I shrieked. "Please no! Don't hurt him!" 

His voice was apathetic as he spoke, "If you stop resisting, you can have him back on the ship. Otherwise, I think he'll lose a tail or maybe even both which would be a shame seeing how cute he is." 

Bix looked ready to spit fire at my command, but I never gave him the order. "Fine." I gave in, not taking the chance of losing my only friend. 

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