A New Resident

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Blaze guided me through the ship of grey with purple stripes accenting every wall. He showed me back to the main deck, where all the seats were and taught me some of the computers commands, even though I already knew most of them. He showed me their waterdancer's tank, but the creature's were invisible since they were sleeping. He pointed at the pilot's door and told me to never open it if it was closed, like it was at that moment, since Val values privacy.

Blaze and I drifted through the ship, holotables of varing sizes were in almost every room. He showed me the kitchen and the lounge, but instead of stopping to get a snack and relax on the couches, he continued walking along the path to a hall lined with doors. The names of the three ship mates engraved onto one of four doors. Val and Castor directly across from each other at the end of the hall and Blaze's door was next to Castor's but towards the opening that led to the kitchen and lounge. I had an odd feeling that he purposefully made his room closest to the kitchen.

There was one door across from Blaze's and next to Val's that had a blank piece of metal, instead of an engraved one. "Ta-da!" Blaze exclaimed cheerfully, "I have one final touch to add that I think you'll like." He tickled Bix, who had been sleeping on his shoulder as we walked around. The lavarat seemed drowsy until Blaze put a cracker in front of his face. Bix jumped from his shoulder to his palm, chasing the cracker in Blaze's other hand. "You can have the cracker after you do what we talked about." Bix pouted, but looked at the door and started up his lasers.

"Is that safe in here?" I asked cautiously.

"I'm sure it's fine," he shrugged raising Bix to be eye level with the plaque. Bix's lasers shot out, carving something into the metal. "See? Everything's fine."

Bix eventually shut off the laser eyes and lunged for the cracker in Blaze's free hand. Blaze set him on my shoulder and handed me my bag. "Have fun in the new room. Give my door a knock if you need anything. Goodnight, girlie."

I muttered goodnight back, but I was a little distracted by the newly carved metal. It read 'Novalee & Bix'. I looked down at my shoulder, opening the door as I spoke, "I guess we really are part of the crew now, huh?"

A Hacker with a Secretحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن