A Shimmery Discovery

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I showered, a luxury I hadn't had in a long time, while Bix proceeded to down even more of those crackers. I wrapped myself in a towel and walked out of the private bathroom and into the large bedroom. A bed was set under a large window sill in the center of the room with bedside tables on either side. A desk was set up against the wall adjacent to the bed and a closet on the bed's other adjacent wall, next to the bathroom door. 

I opened up the closet's doors, not wanting to put my oversized, dirty clothes back on. I found one hanger with an outfit that matched the other crew member's uniforms. It consisted of a dark black long shirt that had purple stripes sewn down the arms. There were black leggings to match that also had purple stripes going down the side of the legs. The shirt's back was made of a black mesh and the bottom of the leggings had mesh triangles to match. A small, strappy, black, sports bra also rested on the hanger with a note in neat handrwriting. 'I know it's all way too big, but I'm the only other girl on this ship so you'll have to deal with my clothes till we can get some your size. I'll do some alterations on it tomorrow. Sorry for the inconvenience. -V'

I looked over the note and the swirly V that signed it. I realized how much taller she had been then me, just like the boys. Val was almost as tall as her cousin but she didn't have giant muscles like them, she seemed more lean instead. I set the note down on the one bedside table that wasn't a holotable. 

I set the towel on a hook in the bathroom, trading it out for the clothes that had been lent to me. They were indeed way too big, the only thing fitting was the bra, but I was grateful that at least that fit so I wasn't necessarily naked. I folded the pants legs up to my ankles, so that they weren't flopping around as I walked. I rolled the sleeves up to my elbows, yet the neck hole was still too big and slid down past my shoulder. 

I took an extra pillow off the bed and set it on the windowsill before placing Bix, who was already dozing off, on it. Careful not to wake him or anyone else on board the ship, I opened the door, snuck through it, and then closed it with a soft click. I simply wanted to explore the large ship a little more deeply than Blaze had showed me. 

I looked around myself with me back pressed to my room's door, upon seeing no one and no lights on, I took a step forward. I looked a little closer at the wall that ended the bedrooms' hall, and saw something a little odd. A faint outline of a door shimmered on the wall, seeming to be made of stars. It's light was so faint that I hadn't seen it before. I hesitantly approached the door, trying to be as silent as possible.

I slid my hand along the shinning crack, eventually feeling a small cold knob against my hand. Wrapping my hand around the metal knob that matched the rest of the ship's walls, I prepared myself for whatever could be behind this door. It was clearly hidden for a reason and Blaze hadn't mentioned it, but he also hadn't gone to in depth with his tour, so I was sure that there were plenty of hidden things on this ship.

Just as I had built up the courage to open the door, all the bravery drained out of me in an instant. A firm hand had clapped me on the shoulder and was yanking me away from the door. 

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