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I watched the man behind me as I was carried to their ship. I couldn't see the ship since I was hanging backwards, but I heard the thud as the ramp hit the ground when we approached. "Finally back I see," a feminine voice with an odd accent rang out, "let's get going now before I die of boredom."

The dark haired man scowled at her while still gripping Bix. "Shut up, Val."

"It's not my fault it took so long! He was suppose to just pick her up and carry her on the ship, but then she started fighting back and the lasers were a surprise."

"Excuses, excuses! All you've proved is that you can't complete a mission without me directing you two."

He started to become angry, "I told you to stay on the ship! I'm captain so you should be listening to my orders not the other way around."

"Well we wouldn't have her on this ship right now if I had listened, so maybe I deserve a thank you."

"Ooo, sibling squabbles!" The blond chuckled as he set me down in a chair and buckled me up. He winked at me before turning back to the two who were now arguing loudly. "Maybe we should get Ursa up into space before she bolts again."

Val, who I recognized as the woman who shoved me off the wall, walked towards the pilot's seat and plopped down. She flicked a few switches as the other two buckled in. "Taking off, and Blaze if you jump up again, I will come back there and beat the life outta you." 

Blaze, the tall blond, made a show of buckling himself in. "No need to freak out; it was only a little joke."

"Smashing around this ship while we're going into orbit is not funny!" She called back as the ship's engines blasted us off the ground. "Castor, I swear, if you don't-"

The dark haired man, Castor, interrupted her, "I'm watching him and the girl too." He watched me, his vicious look had faded away now that he was clearly in a place he considered safe. "I don't think she'll try to escape so long as I have her friend here, what'd you say his name was again?" He looked over at me with curiosity, but I stayed silent. He just sighed and buckled himself in when he saw me not wanting to answer. I didn't care if he wanted to be nice now, he still had kidnapped Bix and me.

Val, Blaze, and Castor all chatted lightly as we zoomed up into space. Castor looked over on occasion to make sure I wasn't trying to escape, but all he saw was me staring at a wall. I went over the kidnapping over and over, trying to find a way that I could've escaped, but I couldn't think of any solution.

I was so lost in thought that I didn't realize when Blaze was approaching until he was looming over me. He smirked, "Got any weapons, sweetheart?"

I shook my head quickly, "I haven't got any."

"I'm gonna scan you anyways," he picked up a slim yet long metal cylinder and waved it over me then my bag, which they had set by my feet. Two images were projected over the holotable in the center of the room, each showed the different metals that I had by different colors. They saw the spot of blue at my collar bone on one picture and glanced at me before looking back at each other. 

Blaze, still standing next to me, asked, "So what's around that pretty neck of yours?"

My hands shot up around the bullet defensively, "It's a b-bullet," I stammered suddenly nervous, "it's was my m-mothers." It wasn't a lie, the bullet had belonged to my mother, who had once been a bounty hunter, but she had given up that life.

Castor walked over to stand next to Blaze, before speaking to him, "She doesn't have a gun, so it can't be shot. How dangerous can it really be?" It was dangerous though, but not how they were thinking. If what was inside got out, bad bad things would happen to me. 

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