A Rough Morning Wake Up Call

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Two tails tickled either eyelids until I opened my eyes slowly, sunlight peeked in through the window above me. A small brown snout and fiery red eyes gazed down at me. "Go back to bed, Bix..." I grumbled, not ready to get up yet. 

"Bix is right, girlie! Time to get up and at 'em!" A deep and enthusiastic voice called at me. 

I buried my face into the pillow and mumbled. "Five more minutes please." My eyelids slowly slid closed again. 

A groan, but not from Blaze who had spoken only moments ago, followed my request. Soon the warmth of the covers were ripped away, and I pulled my knees to my chest to conserve heat from the cold morning air. "Up, Nova! Let's go!"

I looked up and saw Castor's face staring back at me. He was trying to look annoyed but the stern look didn't reach his eyes. "You're enjoying my pain aren't you?" I asked and he smirked a little. 

"Blaze, help Val with the landing preparations. I'll deal with this slacker."

"You got it, Cap! Good luck, Nova, he's doesn't like people who sleep in."

Castor glared at Blaze who soon ran off, taking his cheeriness with him. "Don't you like sleeping in?" I asked him, but he only sighed. 

"Sleeping in is a luxury I don't have and neither do you. Up now."

 I tried to do as he said but my foot got caught on the bed sheet and I feel to the ground laughing.  He cracked a smile, but quickly hide it. "I saw that! You smiled! Don't even try to hide it." He smiled this time and helped me up.

"Alright, clumsy, you've got a big job today. You need to go with Val and get some clothes and cut off all that burnt hair. I don't need more attention drawn to this ship or anyone on it than necessary and that hairstyle isn't going to accomplish that."

I stuck my tongue out at him. "Any other commands, Cap?" I said mimicking Blaze.

He rolled his eyes. "You have ten minutes to finish getting ready this morning. Be at the main deck by then or you'll be in trouble."

"'Kay. See you then."

He walked towards the door. "Ten minutes, Nova. I'm counting." 

"Bye then. Stop wasting my time." I did a little salute and he rolled his eyes again. "If you keep doing that they'll get stuck!" I shouted as he closed the door. 

I pulled out a small speaker I had once found in a dumpster and sorted through my three music squares I had obtained over time. I put the square inch into the speaker's slot and played the long lost music for the two of us. Bix and I did our little morning routine while enjoying the music. We brushing teeth side by side, and I combed what remained of my hair while he brushed the puffs at the ends of his tails that were so small, they didn't really need it. 

I shut down the speaker eventually and put it, along with the rest of our stuff, back into my back that rested on the bed. 

Bix wrapped my pony tail around him, clearly missing the curtain that once hid him. He sat on my shoulder petting the burnt strands as I left the room.

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