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A/N: So I am slowly but surly editing this book making it more legit and I'm gonna try to edit a chapter a night while also writing some new chapters so we shall see.

I was sitting on the bleachers looking out over the clear blue pool water and I felt this feeling of longing and familiarity that I couldn't understand but I also felt that going into the water was a really bad idea and that was the feeling I always listened to. It's kind of sad really I'm 17 and I can't swim because I have a bad feeling about it but such is life. "Hey girl. What's going on?" my best friend Amy said. She is honestly amazing I don't know what I'd do without her.

"Jesus Amy you scared me! Don't sneak up on me like that!" I exclaimed.

"Sorry Marian. I didn't realize I would scare you." she said sounding sorry.

"What do you want?" I asked slightly annoyed.

"Well break is almost over and our class is on the other end of the school and we still have to get stuff from our lockers." she said.

"Alright I see your point." I said standing up.

"Why do you always come here anyways?" she asked.

"I don't know...I just...I don't know." I said wondering that myself.

"Wait you've been coming here for the past month and you don't know why?" she said sounding a little confused.

"That's about the gist of it. Come on we should get going." I said ending the conversation.

"Alright" she said. Amy and I walked to our lockers and opened them to grab our books. When I opened my locker a folded piece of paper fell out. "Ooh what's that? A secret admirer note perhaps?" Amy said as if we were in middle school.

"No way." I said opening the note.

"Well you never know. So what does it say?" she asked looking over my shoulder.

"It says 'Meet me at the pool after school today. It's important.'" I read a little confused.

"Oh well it's no poem. Who's it from?" she asked trying to get a better look.

"Huh doesn't say weird." I said flipping the note over, checking the back.

"Well are you gonna go?" she asked. 

"No of course not. Why would I?" I said grabbing my books and closing my locker.

"Well the note does say that it's important and besides the guy could be cute." she said following suit and walking with me.

"How do you know that it's a guy?" I asked mostly as a joke.

"What?" she asked almost stopping in her tracks.

"Well the note could be from a girl." I press very amused by the look on her face.

"Yeah well lets just assume its from a boy." she says shutting me down.

"I'm still not going." I say trying to stop her pestering.

"Oh come on you should go." she persists.

"How many times do I have to tell you no!" I say exasperated.

"Please? Go for me." she pushes.

"You're gonna keep bugging me about this all day, aren't you?" I ask already knowing the answer.

"Pretty much. So are you gonna go?" she says.

"Fine. I'll go, but just to get you off my back." I cave.

"Good. Let's get to class." she says sounding excited. The day went by pretty quickly, and soon enough, school was over. I headed over to the pool area to see who left me the note in my locker. When I got there, I saw a boy who looked about my age who had his back to me. He had bleach blond hair and was about my height. When he turned around, I noticed he had the most beautiful eyes I'd ever seen. They were a bright turquoise color, which I thought was quite strange. When he saw me, a smile lit up his face. He walked over to where I was. "Princess! I am so happy to see that you got my message. Thank you very much for coming." he says walking towards me.

"You did say it was important. What's this all about anyways?" I ask feeling very confused and regretting my decision to come. Damn you Amy. Then the guy just drops down to one knee and bowed his head down. Okay I am totally freaking out now. "Princess, please. You need to return to your people. They need you." he says looking up at me when he finishes. I have no idea how to react to this. 

"You must have the wrong person. I'm no princess. Who are you, anyways?" I say very nervous and slowly backing away.

"My name is Nathaniel," he says standing up "and I am not mistaken. You are the Princess Irina. I could never mistake you for anyone else." he claims sounding externally confident. As I'm freaking out I realize that he called me Irina.

"Now I know you have the wrong person. My name's Marian, not Irina." I explain. He looked at me confused and slowly walks toward me. I continue to back up.

"Could it be that you do not remember?" he asks mostly to himself. 

"Remember what? Look if we're done here I'm leaving goodbye." I say turning around to leave

"Wait please don't go!" he exclaims sounding worried. I just left ignoring him. When I got home my dad was waiting for me.

"Hey dad I'm home." I say putting my bag down.

"Hey why are you late?" he asks crossing his arms.

"Oh no reason." I say not really wanting to talk about it.

"Okay I'll take that answer for now but next time, please tell me when you're going to be late." he says.

"Alright I will." I say heading up to my room. I finish up my home work, eat dinner, and go to sleep.

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