its partie time!!

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Come outside, loser. I'm taking you to a party.

I'm in the middle of doing absolutely nothing when I receive Nat's text, yet I still groan as I roll myself out of my blanket cocoon and out of bed. My phone tumbles to the floor in the process, so when I finally recover and unlock my phone, I do it in a strenuous squat.

Why do you never tell me anything in advance?

I go to the window to see how much time I have -- if Nat's car is actually outside like he said, then I have to rush; if not, then I can chill the fuck out for a second. It's the former. I open the window and scream at the figure leaning on the front door of his car.

"Hey, did you see my text?" I yell to him.

His phone previously in his hand and at his side, he raises it to his line of vision and reads the aforementioned message. Lowering his phone again, Nat asks, "Now I have a question for you, Link: why are you such a fucking prude?"

"It's not very classy to holler curse words in a neighborhood full of children and families," I scold him.

"It's not very classy to holler at me from a window, either, so let's go," he deadpans, waving for me to come outside.

I shut the window, fly down the stairs, shout something very vague to my parents about where I'm going, and meet Nat at his car.

As I'm attempting to climb into the passenger seat, Nat smacks my ass and comments, "You're looking like a real treat in that getup."

What he means is the oversized t-shirt and basketball shorts that I didn't have time to change out of. It's not my best look, but Nat demanded to see me, so this is the look he gets.

I twist my head over my shoulder and glare at him, making sure he sees it. "If you had told me we were going to a party before you actually showed up at my house, I would be better dressed."

Walking around to the other side of the car, this is where he concedes. "Touché."


"Rule one: don't get drunk," Nat instructs me on the journey up the driveway.

I don't know whose house this is, but I'm not the one with connections or even a functional memory, and all I need is Nat anyway, so I don't stress over it. Parties aren't really for connecting with the host as much as getting hammered and nailed, one of which I'm not allowed to do according to Nat and the other I probably shouldn't do.

"I'm the designated driver, but I'd rather you not make drunk decisions. I'm looking out for your safety here."

The moment we step into the house, my designated driver is assaulted by his queen bee girlfriend. "Nat!" Tessa exclaims, drawing him into a passionate kiss that lasts about six awkward seconds until she draws back. She eventually notices me and greets me in a way that makes it crystal clear that she's only here for Nat. "Oh, hey..."

"Link," I prompt.

She gives me the exact smile that just screams, "That's nice, but I don't care."

"Sorry about that," he mouths to me, but he shouldn't being apologizing quite yet, as Tessa hasn't let go of him.

She drags Nat to the couch,, and my only option is to follow. I do not wish to get lost in a sea of people I don't know. Unfortunately, I am put in basically the same situation of loneliness while Nat and Tessa suck face next to me. At least Tessa was courteous enough to make room for me on the sofa by sitting on Nat's lap and, well, grinding on it. Wow, I really am so glad Nat brought me along to this social function. Tessa, never satisfied, takes Nat's hand to lead him to whatever private room they can find, even if it's a bathroom full of hard tile, the only thing harder than Nat's dick right now. Their absence is not much of a change for me, seeing as Tessa and Nat have been ignoring me for the past few minutes in favor of each other.

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