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Nat has absolutely no courtesy. Everything I ever said about him being respectful – scratch that. It is not respectful to wake me up at 7:13 in the morning with a text that says, "Would you mind yelling at me from your window? I'm really craving it right now." I leave him waiting – already outside my house, I assume – while I place myself back in reality. Still disoriented from just gaining consciousness, I respond, "Would you mind letting me sleep? I'm really craving it right now."

Nevertheless, I stumble out of bed and to the window, where I see Nat, ready to be shouted at from a two-story house. Except apparently that was just a ploy to get me to give him my attention. What he really wants is to show me the sign he's holding, with black letters printed in his unique scrawl.

"If you go to prom with me, it'll be a night you won't forget," he reads out.

I hadn't paid any thought to prom until now. I saw the ballot boxes for prom king and queen in the halls at school, but I never applied prom to my own life for some reason. It takes someone asking me to prom for me to realize that prom is a thing I myself can participate in, not just witness.

I shake my head in disbelief, chuckling to myself regardless. "How did you manage to make a promposal so generic yet so specific to me?"

"Thank you for yelling at me through your window, by the way. It really satisfied my craving," Nat prefaces. "And it originated from a moment of dark humor I experienced last night. At first, I was going to scrap it, but then I thought you might like it."

"I would like it more if you didn't wake me up so early to show it to me," I deadpan.

He locks one of his hands onto his hip and holds the sign with his other hand. "Look, are you going to prom with me or not?"

Rolling my eyes, I concede. "Fine, as long as you don't wake me up at seven in the morning anymore."

Nat pumps his fist.


Nat brought his bike instead of his car on his promposal adventure, which is very out of the ordinary for him. When I ask him about it as I'm out riding my own bike along with him on a Nat-mandated trip, he justifies himself with, "I intend to make the most of this one time I can interact with you before nine in the morning."

I swerve and narrowly avoid crashing into him as a warning.

Nat proves himself to be quite the showoff, taking pride in his ability to ride a bike with one or no hands. He extends his arms beside him and hollers, "It's 7:42 in the morning, and I am in love!" His skill is not the only thing he's showing off today.

"Settle down," I advise him.

"Don't you know the majority of my energy exists in the morning?" Nat twists his head towards me, while my own sight stays on the road in front. "No, you wouldn't, because you refuse to see me this early."

"Excuse me if I value my beauty sleep," I mutter.

"You're missing out on some fantastic morning sex, just so you know." Nat guards his head in a straight position so as to seem casual, with his eyes towards me to capture my reaction, which I know to keep minimal so that he doesn't think he has any leverage over me.

We roll through streets with pergolas of budding trees heavy with dew from the early morning. They create a light drizzle upon our heads and upon the ground, drizzles which we fling up with our bike tires to water the neighborhood. The air is cool and refreshing. The morning is youthful, just like me and Nat, who rides next to me, swaying to the tune of the wind, ebony lashes gathering the dawn. The world is radiant, and so is he.

I have spent too much time in the night and not enough time basking in the early hours. I neglect them to instead lie unconscious on a mattress when I should be out here enjoying them.

Nat swings one leg over to the other side of his bike and coasts along with his foot in the air for a few seconds before his transportation slows down enough for him to touch down on the pavement. I follow suit so as to not be abandoned as Nat pursues whatever impulsive goal he wishes to in the moment.

He has located a park, intentionally or not, and he appears to be very gleeful because of this. He waits for me to catch up, at which point he tackles me to the ground, and we roll down the hill. When I said I admired the dew, I didn't mean I would admire it if I were soaked in it. All the way down, Nat and I land on each other in half second intervals until we reach the bottom, where he ends on top. While I'm being pressed further into the dew-stained grass, Nat uses the opportune position to drop his lips onto mine. I notice he has a habit of smiling while we kiss, and I think I know what he's so joyful about.

"I'm so lucky to have you," he says, out of breath but full of passion in his gaze, and I am captivated.


A/N: why is he like this

also i am so in love w this song, like how she says "and i like you" like it's so simple but so amazing


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