Chapter 2

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As I woke up, I saw that I was resting in a red room. Like a corpse needs a room. I checked my body to see if they were all right. And they were. I quickly got up and walked to the door.

I slowly opened it, not wanting to be heard, and silently sneak out of the room. I have yet to realize where I am, until I saw a familiar status with a familiar face on it.

It was the angry mask and the happy mask that was owned by...

"I see that you're doing well, Luna. But you shouldn't sneak around, especially if it isn't your house." I heard the voice that I didn't want to hear from.

'Oh don't tell me that I'm in his house.' I thought. "Never thought I'll see you again. Why am I here? Why can't I sleep in peace?" I asked, not turning around to face him, and closed my eyes.

"Did you already forget the deal we made centuries ago? Well, let me tell you. A few days after your siblings fight with him, you summoned me, the God of Destruction and Hell, to make a deal. The deal was that I would let Zeref go to heaven in exchange for a favor from you." My eyes snapped open as I remembered the deal we made. "I already did mine and now it's time for you to do yours." He smirked wickedly at me with his glowing red eyes.

"What do you want then, Jashin? For me to be swimming in lava? Walk on charged coal? Or be one of your demons?" I asked blankly. Everything this place have, it doesn't scare me the least bit whatsoever. Why? Because almost every moments of my life, I feel like I've been through all of this thousands and thousands of times. I'm immune to almost every physical pain, because like elders said, mental pains are far worse than physical pain. And they were right. Physical pains are pain that lasted for moments, mental pains are embedded into our soul.

"Nothing like that at all. What I'm asking you to do is like a second chance for you. All you have to do is to go to another world and bring peace to it since you already succeeded in making Fiore peaceful. You are the perfect one for this job." He replied.

"First, tell me why do you care about it? You are a destructive being, so why bother about them? And second, what is this 'other world'?" I asked him as I looked at him in the eye, staring deep into those demonic, blood red eyes as he stared into my ocean blue ones.

"I'm just so tired of having all those souls send to me. Everyday, hundreds souls came in and I have to be the one who organized them. All because of the wars and hatred building up there. It's hard being a god, you know? Especially a god like me." He whined and sobbed on his kimono's sleeves. A world like that exists? Dear lord, what were those people doing? "Oh and the Shinobi world is where I'm going to send you to." He mentioned as he recovered from his small sobbing.

". . . . ." I silently debated about this, but realized that I didn't have a choice at the matter. "Very well. I will complete this mission as the deal stated."

"Excellent. You will start your journey. . . Now!" He snapped his fingers. Then I was sucked into a portal that he had opened.

'Hopefully the cause isn't as bad as Fiore's.' I thought as I closed my eyes, letting the darkness consumes me.


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