Chapter 6

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Kotetsu teleported them to the front of the Hokage Building. Two guards were standing at the entrance and other guards were patrolling the area.

"You can go back now, Kotetsu. I can do the rest." Gai told him. "Are you sure, Gai? What if she, you know..." He eyed her suspiciously. She was intimidated by his stare, so she hid behind Gai.

"It will be fine. There are plenty of guards here, so if she did do something, she will be held captive." He reassured with a thumb up.

"If you say so." He scratched his head. "I guess I'll be going now. See ya!" And poof! He was gone.

"Now let's head inside, Angel." He said in a cheerful tone.  "Okay!" She said back with as much enthusiasm.

Then they went pass the guards and entered the tower. They climbed through the agonizingly-long staircase. Luna needed to stop for a bit before her heart jumps out of her chest.

A few more walking, they reached a door. The voices from inside signaled that there were people in there beside the Hokage. And the other voice was just the one Gai was looking for.

He knocked on the door loudly and the voices stopped. Someone said 'come in' and they opened the door. Inside stood two people. One was a blonde man with long hair tied into a ponytail with bangs covering his forehead. Another one was an old man, in a red and white robe, wearing a hat with a letter on it.

The elder one spoke up first with a calm voice, "Congrats on coming back so early, Gai. And who's the little one behind you?"

"Thank you, lord Hokage. And I found this young girl in the forest. She claimed to have lost her memory, so I thought of bringing her here, so Inoichi can help." He told them everything, and Luna was fidgeting a little bit.

"Lost her memory, you say?" The Hokage said and took a sip of his tea.

"Gai, don't you think it's reckless to bring a girl, who claimed to have 'lost her memories' without a single proof backing it up?" The blonde man questioned.

"I know it's quite foolish, but I'm sure of it. She has no weapons and no signs what so ever of her being a ninja in the first place. On top of that, she was in the middle of a lake when I found her!" He answered.

"Interesting. Inoichi, I want you to look into her memory. If she is an enemy as you said, then we shall take her to Ibiki at once." The Hokage ordered firmly. Gai shivered a bit. Luna couldn't help, but thought, Who is this Ibiki person? She must be a scary lady for Gai-nii to shivered at the sound of her name.

"Understood, lord Hokage." He gave him a bow and turned to Gai and Luna, looking at her straight in the eyes. "Now would you please sit in front of me, little girl?"

She gripped onto Gai's pant leg and looked at him. "It's okay, little one. It will only hurt a bit, but I know you're strong! You can handle it, right?"

She gave him a small nod and went to Inoichi. She sat on the chair in front of him. "All right, I need you to close your eyes and endure the pain. Also try to relax if possible." She nodded at him and did as he told. He put his hands on her head and perform the Jutsu.

"Mind transferring Jutsu!"

He appeared inside her head and opened his palms, pointing directly at her brain. "Now let's see if you're really are just a girl!" And entered her memory core.

There wasn't much in it though. It was almost completely empty, except for her recent memory and a peculiar one with a seal on it.

"You were right, Gai. There is almost nothing here. Except for the earlier memories and another one that has a seal on it." He said.

"A seal? Can you tell me the details of it, Inoichi?" Hiruzen asked.

"Of course, sir. It's a talisman that has dark outlines around it." He replied.

"Does one of the letters appear different from the rest?"

"Yes, sir!"

"And does it resemble the word 'Seal'?" He asked, becoming more serious. "Yes, it does, milord."

"It can't be.... The body sealing jutsu!" He exclaimed rather loudly. "The body sealing jutsu?" Gai asked.

"It's a forbidden seal that was kept in the sealing scroll. Only the Uzumakis and the Hokages know of this! How can it be on this girl? Unless..." He gently pulled his beard.

"What should we do, Lord Hokage?" Inoichi asked.

"We have to remove it immediately. Listen to me and follow my instructions. First, draw some of your blood and write the word 'release' on it. Once you're done, put some chakra on your palm and press it on the seal. Then twist it to the side and say 'Release'. Got it?" He explained.

"Yes, Understood, lord Hokage." He did as he was instructed. "Please try and stay still during this process, girl."

"Release!" And the hidden memories flashed before Inoichi's eyes.

"Orochimaru! Give us back our child!" She started to whine.

"What a precious gift you are. So much potential. So much strength." Her knuckles were white from her clenching it on the chair.

"Sleep tight for now, Tsukiko." Her eyes snapped wide open.

An unknown force pushed Inoichi out of her mind and slammed him on the wall physically. The other two stared wide eyes from the scene. She fainted and almost fell down onto the ground, but Gai caught her. "Angel! Crap, you're bleeding!"

"Inoichi!" The Hokage shouted for him as he aided him.He pulled him into a sitting position and ask, "Are you hurt anywhere, Inoichi?"

"I'm f-fine. I might have a few scratches and bruises, but other than that, I'm fine." He reassured. "What did you see?" The Sarutobi asked.

"I-I saw......" He mumbled.

"What? You saw what?"

"I saw.... The legendary.... Sannins."


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2018 ⏰

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