Part Two

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Third person POV
Artemis and Wally left so we continued.
"Adrien, truth or dare?" Zatanna asks Adrien.
"Dare" he says confidentially as Zee just smirks.
"Kiss Marinette!" Zatanna shouts as the said girl blushes.
"W-what!?! I-I can't!" Marinette stutters.
"Why not?" Adrien asks, obviously dissapointed.
"Could you imagine what Chloe and Lila would do to me?!?!?!" Marinette gasps.
"Well Chloe and Lila aren't here and we would appreciate some Adrinette cannon." Robin says. Marinette still looks worried so Adrien lifts her head to look at him and presses his lips to hers. She soon melts into the kiss and Robin has to ruin the moment by taking, like, 50 pictures. The two break apart and Adrien says,
"I love you, Buggaboo" as Marinette rolls her eyes,
"I love you too, Kitty." His eyes go wide,
"Really!??!" He exclaims
"Really!" She says as Adrien does a little party in his place.
"Next!" Rocket yells.
"Robin, truth or dare?" Megan asks, smirking. This would not end well for the boy wonder.
"Truth" he sighs, knowing it would be a loose-loose.
"Who is your crush?" the martian asked as the boy wonder sighed.
"Zee, okay? I like Zee!" He says.
"Well, its about time!" A voice says. Wally and Artemis walk out to the crew.
"P.S. its almost midnight" Artemis groans.
"Okay, lets split into couples. Aquarocket in one, Supermartian... You get the gist." Zatanna suggests and the others agree. They seperate and Kaldur shows Adrien and a now asleep Marinette to a room.

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