Turn offs

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Sooo... We all have our turns off's when it comes to guys here are a few of mine.

1. Dirty fingernails

Keeping up with your nails is not only for females to keep up with. If your nails are DIRTY or uneven or even Chipped DO NOT OPEN YOUR MOUTH TO SPEAK TO ME!!! that's for everyone

2 Grammer

So I dated this guy irked my fucking nerves. I understand we abbrivate somethings through text but he abbreviated EVERYTHING


I WISH I could show y'all but I blocked and deleted him days ago.

But some of our conversations would be like


Me:watching tv ,why? What are you to?
Him:NM omw home bouta gts

That was an example. I hate people who text like that. At that the conversations were BORING! we talked about the same shit.

3. Sex braggers

No female wants to know how many broads you smashed and where you smashed them. That is disgusting. The same respect guys expect women to have for themself is the same respect At least I expect for a guy to have for his self.
A lot of guys think its wack to save their virginity "for the right one" but at the end of the day its all fun and games till you stuck with blue ball and that shit itch.


See persistence is a bitter sweet thing for me. I like a guy who try to get my attention. But when you Try too hard that turns me off.

Like there was this one boy Chris I friend zoned him OVER AND OVER AGAIN but he was persistent. I liked to laugh so it got to a point where he was bullying other people trying to get me to laugh...No no no.

Like nigga I ought to bully ya ass. That's my biggest turn off.

5. Stupid

No girl wants to be with a dumb nigga
No girl wants to be with a dumb nigga

I'm not asking for no Mr. Know it all but I can't be with you if you don't got ya shit together academically. I want someone that I can have conversations with about things I learned in school and things I got questions about. Lets educate each other😍


So I love Aries A few guys I had crushes on or dated in the past were Aries,Its like I can sense that shit. I hate that they are full of pride though.

Don't go two or three days without talking to me cause a little argument or you got mad. Cause real shit after three days of no attention. Imma let you know I'm single now😭😂💀 Rs
Imma fuck around and start talking to your best friend.
I hate that with a burning passion ...


Don't tell me I can't wear certain stuff,I can only hang with certain people. If I sense you a control freak then issa wrap. I can't deal with that shit. Imma wear whatever I want to and hang with who ever I want to. You just gonna have to swallow that pill and roll with that punch.

I worked so freaking hard to be comfortable in the skin I'm in so if  I want to show my left  titty crying outloud them imma do it and look classy while I'm doing it

8. "Why you need Makeup"

Support my make up habbits!!!
I know I'm a pretty bitch with or without make up so don't tell me "you don't need all that shit on ya face" I know I don't NEED IT but I like the way it look.

9. Nappy hair

See I can put up with dreads but that nappy top shit...Hell no. Get that shit chopped or ya ass getting blocked. I find nothing attractive about that hair style it make guys look dirty as hell.


If I see you disrespect another female. I don't care if it was the bitch I don't like,don't even step my way. That disgust me. Treat females the way you want a man to treat ya momma.

Ladies a man will treat you the way he would want to see someone treat his momma. His momma is suppose to be his Queen up umtil the time he gets married so if you ever get the chance watch how your partner treat their momma.

Well those are all the ones I could think of as of now. Let me know if we share the same turn offs if not.
..comment your turn off's

-Until next time stay fab💋

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