Chapter Five

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a/n: i'm sososososososo sorry for the late update :\ does 1912 words make up for it?

"I don't get it..."

Grumbling as he shifted through the contents of the ratty, dog-eared textbook he'd borrowed, Seungkwan turned to Hansol, who - unsurprisingly - was at least three pages ahead in the task they'd been assigned by their English teacher.

"Get what?" Hansol glanced over after finishing off a sentence that Seungkwan swore was three lines long.

"The placement of commas. It's so confusing! Like they're just randomly in a spot and there's not particular definitive rule on where they should be put grammatically."

Hansol hesitated before saying, "Well, a comma is essentially a breath mark in music. It lets the reader take a break before continuing the sentence."

Seungkwan frowned. "Then why not just use a period?"

"I..." Seungkwan snickered softly upon seeing his friend's equally confused face. "I'm not sure, actually. I guess it would be more choppy with just periods? Commas make speech flow a bit easier. Also sometimes it makes more sense to continue the sentence rather than start a new one."

Eyes flitting back to the textbook, Seungkwan said, "I know. Theoretically, it all makes sense. But I just... when it comes to actually doing it, I can never do it right."

"Skip the question for now. I'll help you with it when I'm done the assignment," Hansol suggested before returning to his own textbook.

"Selfish much?" Seungkwan muttered under his breath but let it go considering he was fairly sure he would've done the same had the roles been switched.

He was about to start the next question (something about semicolons, which he was sure he would also have no clue about) when his phone chimed. Normally, Seungkwan would ignore the notification - especially in English class, where he needed to focus the most - but when his ears recognized the sound he'd set specifically for the so-called 'emergency' groupchat, he almost threw his textbook on the ground in a flailing attempt to fish his phone out of his pocket. Hansol also leaned over to receive the message as he felt no need to use his own phone when Seungkwan had his.

September 14, 2017

1:07 pm

> y'all are probably in class rn but just so i don't forget later
> when are you all free
> we've got a lead on the arrow

the other seung-hyung
> what? How come i don't kno about this


> i love you cheollie but
> not everything is about you

> says you

> i could say the same for you

> umm i dont think i have anythng goin on
> altho weekends would be best

> lmao nah

> weekends are sleep-in days for jihoon

> aka sleep-through-the-entire-morning days


> fight me, soonyoung

> so tmr then?

> tmr's friday

usain bolt-hyung [a/n this is jun because he has super-speed lol]
> nah we've got dance class tmr after school

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