Chapter Eleven

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Wonwoo was sure Mingyu's initial plans had nothing to do with the currently shaking building. He had basically just suggested that they go grab a bite and then head back to school.

So when they had started packing up their stuff and was met by a sudden wave of force knocking them both over, Wonwoo was internally groaning. Is it possible to go on a date without being disrupted by some supernatural creature?

Fortunately, they were at the Midnight Diner, which - as Pledis' main headquarters - at the very least had a defense system automatically built in and put into effect when attacked. "Shit," Wonwoo muttered as he tried to regain his balance.

"Let's go upstairs," Mingyu suggested, quickly ushering the boy to the back of the restaurant and up the narrow steps.

Running up two steps at a time, Wonwoo felt an overwhelming sense of panic rise in his throat, but he immediately forced it down. He'd been fighting for two years now; there was little he should still be scared about. But there still was that feeling of complete terror at the prospect of facing someone that had full intentions of killing him.

It also didn't help that his combat skills weren't necessarily enhanced - instead, he tended to stay back and plan out their next move. It always made him feel so helpless, though - after all, he wasn't the one that was actually there taking action, he could only hope and trust that his friends would have enough power to execute the plan he'd come up with.

When they reached the second floor (which Wonwoo made a mental note to return and actually get to appreciate sometime later), Wonwoo saw Mingyu frantically retrieve his phone from his pocket.

"Shit," Mingyu muttered. "My phone's dead. Do you have yours?"

Wonwoo shook his head. He was pretty sure he'd left his phone in his locker, figuring that he wouldn't need it when all he was doing was going out to eat for lunch. (Looking back on it now, he really wasn't sure what he was thinking. As a superhero, one should always have their phone).

"Wonwoo? Mingyu?" A voice suddenly sounded from the staircase. Peeking beyond Mingyu's tall figure, Wonwoo was surprised to see Im Nayoung, leader of Pristin. "I thought that was you guys. I managed to get all the other people out of the danger zone. Did you guys call the rest of Seventeen?"

Mingyu shook his head. "We don't have any way of reaching them."

"I can get Pristin to bring them if they can, if you want."

"Oh - that'd be great. We're going to need as much help as we can get." Mingyu bowed gratefully as Nayoung nodded, stepping further into the building to call her team.

Wonwoo ran his fingers through his hair, a habit he had picked up from Mingyu. "Isn't it more dangerous to be on the upper floor when we're being hit by walls of force?" He joked. "We're more likely to fall to our doom."

Mingyu snorted. "You're the one with the knowledge of Einstein. You tell me."

"Well now you know."

There was an awkward silence for a couple of minutes as they endured the shaking and waited for everyone to arrive. At some point, Nayoung joined them, reporting that she had, in fact, called the other members and that they were on their way now.

Wonwoo understood the distance from the school to the diner. It was at least a fifteen minute drive, considering the odd location of this place, and since it was still during school hours, there was no guarantee how they would secure their rides here. But he couldn't help but feel that his comrades were taking forever.

Finally, someone arrived, much to his relief, but they were a complete mess - rocks in their hair, mud splattered all over their face, and ripped clothes. If it weren't for their easily distinguishable figure, Wonwoo might not have recognized them.

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