Chapter Thirteen

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a/n: i'm back!! with a long overdue update i'm sosososososo sorry D: but here's a little chappie for you guys before things (hopefully) start picking up !!!

Jeonghan was beginning to lose hope. Again.

Which wasn't exactly helping his self-esteem, as he'd always viewed himself as a relatively persistent person, but with the sun showing little mercy on their faces and the sudden memory that it was still the beginning of the week, Jeonghan's persistence was draining quicker by the second.

"We're wasting time on this thing," he grumbled, shuffling over to the shade to escape the previously overcast yet now heatwave-inducing sky. "It's probably been hours and we've gotten nowhere."

S. Coups squinted as he looked for the nearest clock, which happened to be nowhere, so he resided with trying to angle his watch in a way that the light wouldn't reflect off the surface and possibly blind him. "It's only been an hour."

"So what? We still haven't gotten anything done."

S. Coups sighed. "Look, at least we're trying. It's the only way we can possibly help the situation right now - we can't help the people on the roof, and going inside will make our significance a lot less than right now. So suck it up and help me over here."

Jeonghan resided with making a face behind his boyfriend's back.

"I thought your power was super-strength," he joked. "Can't you handle something like this on your own?"

"Brutal force isn't always the answer. Plus, your support will make me a lot stronger than I am now."

"I know."

There was silence for a couple of seconds, eventually ending with S. Coups turning around in confusion. "... Aren't you going to come support me?"

"Ha, no." Jeonghan looked over in the direction of the barrier. He could see the Midnight Diner; had he not known better, he would've run straight into it. Which he almost did, but Seungkwan and Vernon who had, somehow, managed to make it to the building before them quickly stopped him from doing so. (Although he hadn't admitted it, Jeonghan was 99% sure that Seungkwan had, in fact, run straight into the barrier. It probably explained his red nose).

It was then that he noticed someone had been silently approaching. With a start, Jeonghan was suddenly aware of the presence that was now standing right next to him - well, not really right next to him, as they had positioned themselves slightly behind, but it was almost parallel.

"Rough day?" Minkyung asked with a slight grin. Jeonghan sighed.

"You don't know the half of it." Sighing, Jeonghan stretched and yawned. The lack of sleep in the past week was starting to catch up on him, and he knew it. "I can't believe it's not even Friday yet."

Minkyung snorted. "That's the most relatable thing I've heard all day."

Jeonghan watched as she tugged on her gloves, then readjusted them. Considering the fact that she was hardly looking at her hands, it appeared to be a rather habitual movement. Jeonghan wasn't completely sure why it seemed so captivating - aside from the fluidness of something as simple as glove-handling, which was relatively interesting to watch in itself - but the moment a memory resurfaced in his head, he realized why.

"Gloves!" Chan exclaimed excitedly after he'd received his superhero attire. "Man, these are so cool!"

Jeonghan chuckled. "I'm surprised that out of the entire superhero gig, gloves are what you find the most interesting."

"What can I say? A pair of nice gloves with this weird plastic-rubber material is so cool." Grinning as he slipped them on, Jeonghan watched with surprise as he saw the boy's face shift to one of momentary shock, then disappointment.

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