Chapter Seven

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Mingyu nearly fell out of his chair upon Minghao's ridiculously loud exclamation (to which received a disapproving look from the student librarian that Seungkwan returned). "What is it?"

"This message..." Minghao scrambled frantically for a writing utensil before roughly scrawling on the blank margin that Hansol's letters offered. Mingyu leaned forward in anticipation before realizing that Minghao was scribbling down what appeared to be Mandarin characters (not that it could really be anything else, he supposed), resulting in the obvious fact that he wouldn't be able to understand it anyway.

"Here." Minghao tossed away the spare pen he'd found and ran his fingers through his hair. "Oh my god, I can't believe -"

What he'd written was a strange mix of both Chinese and English - Mingyu only recognized the letters SM and js, the latter at the end, presumably a closing signature.

"Care to translate?" Seungkwan's voice had become increasingly more impatient, which was pretty much what Mingyu felt.

Minghao looked up as if just realizing that they didn't understand the message, and then recited, " 'Ten, we've encountered a malfunction at SM and need you here as soon as possible. Abandon all missions at hand. Ideally, meet us at Taeil plus two, at your name. JS'."

Both Seungkwan and Mingyu's eyes widened to the size of saucers. "How - what -"

"I'm just as confused as you are," Minghao admitted. "I mean, of course some of the parts are decipherable, but we all get the general idea; we just intercepted an NCT message with an important meeting time. If we can figure it out with the rest of the members, maybe we can get one step ahead."

"This..." Eyes drifting from the arrow to Minghao and back again, Mingyu tried to piece together the information he'd just been given. "We need to tell Seungcheol-hyung and the others. Immediately."

"On it." Seungkwan had already whipped out his phone; Mingyu and Minghao were soon after greeted with a simultaneous buzz.

September 15, 2017

1:34 pm

The Boo
> guys, there was a message on the arrow !!
> and its super important
> so read this message instead of payin attention in class

The Hong

> lmaoo

The Seo
> it was in mandarin, hyung

The Moon
> mAndArin ?!?!??
> why didnt u come to me

The Boo
> i mean
> minghao hyung had a spare
> and ur in class so ???
> i thought for the benefit of evryone tyvm

The Lee 1
> ur literally telling us to text in class rn
> i dont see the 'benefit for evryone' in that

The Boo
> that was b4 i knew this was an emeRGENCY ALRIGHT
> an d im in a rush ffs typos are acceptable

The Lee 1
> not with me they arent

The Choi 1
> u said the message was important?

> v important

The Seo
> all inall, its a message from 'js' to 'ten' stating that there's a malfunction at SM and they need him to get there asap
> the information for when was smth like
> 'taeil + 2 at your name'
> which, unforunately is a crucial detail tha we cant figure out

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