*1* Jodie Robinson.

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  "I've never met a woman I'd rather be"

       I stood in front of the mirror. Why were there bags under my eyes? I'm just freaking 20. I tried adjusting with the Concealer. Eeeewww! That's what you get for spending extra time in the music room instead of following other girls to the bathroom to learn how to get make-up done. I could only draw my brows and God knows it took like forever. My friends still torture me and say I only fill them. Fill? Draw? As long as it's not as terrible as those Yoruba mom's... I'm good.

       What can I say about me? I'm Jodie Robinson. 'Born, bread and buttered' in Nigeria as my Nigerian folks would say. Lagos precisely. My childhood was horrible. Coping with depression wasn't easy, especially with my health issues. I was always at the brink of death. I've put that behind me and accepted it'll be my day one day.

          I have two loving parents and an older brother. My father Gregory Robinson formerly Gregory Oguntayo (surname got changed because ogun is the god of iron according to Yoruba traditional and we're Christians) is a typical Yoruba father. I needn't say more. My sweet mum, Shalom is Igbo. And if you know Nigerians well you'll know it took extra grace that moves mountains for my Yoruba dad to marry my Igbo mum. My brother, Andrew... just leave that one. And there's me, Jodie.

        After graduating from secondary school, I pursued a music career against my dad's wishes but he let me be as I was still a troubled teen at the time. I even got to learn the rudiments in music and this earned me a graded music certificate. Nothing like a degree though. Plus I got to teach kids later on. That was before my dad said I must pursue a degree since I'd fulfilled my music wish. So I applied to the University of first choice and nation's pride. University of Lagos, popularly called Unilag. I got in for English.
   I'll be resuming today you see. First class. I'm kinda scared. If you've heard about Unilag guys and girls, you'll be scared too. I didn't get a bedspace in the hostel after balloting so I'll be going from home. That's till my dad sorts out my accommodation challenge.

        "Sleep there o," dad called out. I guess he was ready.

          I quickly wiped my face with wipers and dabbed my face with brown powder.

           "I'm ready," I announced as I got to the living room.

            "It's not too late, you can go back for second round," dad said. Nigerian parents and sarcasm.

             "Won't you eat?" mum interfered.

              "I'll just take some cookies in the fridge and lemonade" I answered.

               "Honey, give her enough money" my mum said.

               "Ahn ahn! Was she not working before?", my dad still won't let this go. Because I didn't give him a share of my salary when I was worked for few months. Is he God?

               "Give her o", my mum repeated. See, my mum has the final say in this house. Dad only sighed.

                 "Bye mum" I gave her a quick kiss.

                 Now the drive from Ipaja to Akoka begins. I looked out of the window as I said a silent prayer. Lord, let today be okay.

Hi guys.
Hope you're enjoying the story.

How was your first day in the university?

Don't forget to work your magic.



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