*10* To live or not to live.

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"God gave you this life because He knew you were strong enough to live it."

Jodie's POV

How can he be so cute and so annoying at the same time? My mind kept wondering... AT 2 FREAKING AM!

I got up to use the bathroom and almost tripped. So much for standing on my own two feet. During the week days your body fails to get up early but now it's weekend and it suddenly has an interview by 7am!

Knowing sleep was impossible I changed into an oversized t-shirt and fried prawn crackers. When it was ready I watched 8 episodes of Criminal minds before dozing off. Soon the night passed, morning came and then the weekend too was over. Just like that!


"Are you serious?" Kaka almost screamed as I halfclosed her mouth with my palm.

"That's why I didn't want to tell you."

"Why would you keep such interestingly valuable information from me?" she said with mock pain, clutching her chest.

"You're hopeless," I laughed at her rolling my eyes. "Thank God I waited for classes to be over before telling you."

"Yeah, that was wise. The second class was sooooo boring. I would have loved this gist then." We'd exited the faculty already and walked towards the park.

Walking towards us was our 'dearest friend', Amarachi a.k.a Mara. She was all smiles this time and approached us with arms wide as if to hug. I spread my arms out to receive the hug only for her to give me a scrunched look and hug the person behind. Smoke just popped out of my ears and I could have sworn I grew two horns.

"That was too bad of her," Kaka said, patting my back. "She could have just given you the hug and still..."

"Abeg, that burned enough. Let's not rub it in again." I said as we entered the cab heading to the gate.

"Hey!" someone said beside me, tapping me. I turned and saw Dennis.


After ignoring Kaka punching me several times to know who the cute boy was and watching her get dropped off at New Hall, I got down at the gate with Dennis who insisted on walking me home. He was great company and turned out to have a sense of humor as he made me laugh several times as we walked.

"I just feel you've changed massively," I said, searching for my keys as we got to my place. "Like you've been reborn."

"Yea, something like that." He walked in and sat on my bed.

"So, you know my house now," I said hoping he got the message. Leave already dude!

"Yea, I could come visit sometimes


(Lol, I can't believe I abandoned this)
Project for 2019, I'm gonna finish this.
Please kindly hang on for me.

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