*2* The first choice and nation's pride.

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"Sometimes what we don't do is as powerful as what we do".

"You can't park in here sir. It's for the faculty's staff members," the woman guard spoke.

"Why not? So I should remain on the road? My daughter is going in for her first class," dad retorted. "Do you know who I am..."

"It's alright dad. That's the building already. I'll take it from here," I quickly interrupted before he'll bring up his story of being a military man.

"Okay. Take" he handed me two thousand naira. Buy whatever you may need and use the change as transport fare back home. I won't be able to pick you up", he said.

"Alright dad, enjoy you day" I said, getting down. He honked twice and left.

I made my way to the entrance and spotted an underground bookshop on the ground floor just beside the elevator. I bought the 12 in 1 university notebook and writing materials. I headed back to stand in front of the elevator.

"It's not working " a voice said behind me.

"This is just great" I said turning to find a guy behind me. His shirt had a picture of him on it. Really?!! His demin which was supposed to be a distressed jean was more like tattered. "Thanks", I said and moved to the stairs immediately. First fine boy and he had to be like this.

Well, I love fashion and a great style, but some things are just a no-no for me. For guys, I don't like piercing, plaiting of the hair, sagging, tattered jeans, dying of the hair with
colors and more. For girls, just don't dress slutty.

I checked the timetable on my phone. First class 8 -10, Eng 111, Arts theatre. Now I wish I went on the campus tour. I made my way to the second floor.

"Excuse me ma" I said to a woman walking towards the stairs.

"How may I help you" she said bending her nose as her glasses were perched almost at the tip.

"I need to get to the Arts theatre for my first class and I don't know where it is" I spoke sweetly.

I'm kinda smallish. You can say I'm "down to earth". Lol. Most people would guess I was sixteen or seventeen. Mum's genes.

"It's outside the faculty dear", she spoke kindly. "Are you going for Eng 111?" she asked.

"Yes ma".

"Great, I'll be your lecturer for today. Doctor Ntekim-Rex" she said.

Holy cow! Great! So the first person I have to meet at my first day in school is my lecturer. Should that be a good thing or not?

I walked behind her and we finally got to the theatre. It was quite big. Biggest room I've ever been in except the normal auditorium in churches. I made my way to look for empty seats as almost all were occupied. Some had bags on them only and when I asked, "Someone's here" was the reply I got.

I finally found a seat but it had no writing panel.

"Is someone here?", I asked.

"Unless the person is a ghost" she stared at the empty seat. "No".

Really? Sarcasm?

"Thanks". I gave her a smile and sat for the two longest hours of my life.

"I'm Kaka" the girl who offered me the seat said. She was small, like me but age was telling on her face already. Probably in her mid-twenties.

"Isn't that a boy's name" I said impulsively.

"I get that a lot. Strange uh?" she said with a smirk. I only shrugged.

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