*3* Beautiful imperfection.

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"Your flaws have built a beautiful fortress around you that your scars shine bright like stars "

I spotted a Sienna just outside the exit part of the main gate.

"Iyana-Ipaja, Iyana-Ipaja" a man called. Probably a car owner trying to earn some money on his way home.

Unfortunately the front seat had been occupied by a girl. Damn my love for front seats. The car owner adjusted the middle seat and beckoned me to sit behind.

"Two for back" he said and continued shouting. "Two more chance!" Goodness gracious. There were four more spaces remaining. That's how these drivers roll in Lagos sha.

Not quite long, a geeky looking guy joined me at the back. He wore a plain white shirt and a sweater over it with black trousers. He was also wearing glasses .

"Hi," he said. I pretended to have been absentminded and he waved his hand just across my face.

"Oh hey!" I said, getting a chance to look at him properly. His eyes were a bit too small and he seemed to talk with the side of his mouth. But boy, was he cute! Ding ding!

"I'm Dennis." he said with his pink luscious lips. I did not just think that.

"I'm not Dennis." I reply with a smirk.

"Obviously, cute girls have cute names." Was he flirting with me or have I just lost track of the whole boy-meets-girl stuff?

"Jodie." I say, taking his now stretched hand.

"Oh, nice name for a pretty girl. Can we be friends?" Dude. Is that the best you can come up with?

"Your money for back." the driver interrupted. I'd been caught up that I didn't see when the seats in the middle got occupied already by three girls.

"So, like I was saying" Dennis went on. "What course are you studying?"

"I'm a student of English, faculty of arts" I responded. "What about you?"

"Engineering" he seemed proud of himself. "What year are you in?"

"Year one" I replied. "What about you?"

"Year three" he answered. "So you come to school all the way from Iyana-Ipaja?" No, I just like going to Iyana-Ipaja.

"Yea. I didn't get a bed space in the hostel so I have to come from home till I get an apartment nearby."

"Cool. So, can I have your number?"

I gave him my number and regretted afterwards simply because he didn't seem fun enough. But at least it saved me from talking to him during the entire ride.

"I'll call you when I get home" he said as he alighted at his stop. I took the next bus in the park and soon I was home.

"I'm home" I announced as I entered the house. There was no one in the living room so I went in to drop my bag in my room. Dad obviously wasn't home because his car wasn't in the compound when I got in. I traced the smell of dodo frying to the kitchen and found my mum.

"Good evening" I said to her reaching for one dodo on the plate to taste.

"Good evening" she tapped my hand before I could take it. "Ole"

"Ahn-ahn. Can't I taste one?" I pouted.

"You'll taste it in your food," she replied. I could have sworn she'd had her own share of tasting. "How was school today?"

"Fine fine. Hope you made great sales in the market today?"

"To the glory of God." she replid. "Go and bathe. I'll set the table for dinner. Your father would be here soon"

I changed into a tank top and shorts right after bathing and was leaving to the dining room when my phone rang.


"Hi. This is Dennis" the voice at the other end said.

"Oh. What's up?" I responded impatiently.

"I'm alright. I got home a little while ago. What about you?"

"Not too long either. I want to join my family for dinner." And there's dodo waiting for me.

"Okay, I'll call you later" he said and hung up.

The table had been set when I got to the dining room and my father had arrived.

"Good evening sir," I greeted.

"Good evening," he replied, serving two large spoons on rice on his plate and plenty of dodo. Easy on the dodo nah! "How was school?"

"Twas okay. But I had a bit of a challenge coming back. The
road from the garage to Opeki was blocked"

"No problem with that. I already called Azeez. Your apartment should be ready on Friday".

I retired to my room afterwards and grabbed my phone. Three missed calls from Dennis. I didn't call back. I opened the Wattpad app and opened to the new book I was reading, " Ebike: A tale of two." Why was the writer taking time to update? After minutes of tossing and turning in bed, I turned on my night music playlist. The last voice I heard was Jon Bellion's and I was off to dreamland.


I felt the sharp pain again. This time I couldn't contain it. I shrivelled like a leaf. Not again! I grabbed my phone from the table and called my mum. Seconds later she and my father had joined me. She gave me a quick shot to suppress the pain and stayed by my side till I fell asleep.

It had become a ritual. My body's host would take over and I'll be aware that I wasn't living a normal life. I hated my crisis. It always decided for me. I was either expected to recover, or die. Twenty years now and I'm still alive. Sometimes I wished I'd just die. Having sickle cell anemia sucked.

After I finished secondary school, I refused to go to the university. Why waste money and time when you'll die anyway? I'd always thought. Till I was awoken.

I'd attended a seminar with my father and during the breakout sessions a musician came on stage. He played on the violin and I fell in love. I joined a music academy to learn the violin for two years and since then music had been my escape. I even got to teach at the end of the program. Now here I am, challenging my problems and breaking free. My scars make me beautiful.

Hi guys.
Hope you're enjoying the story.

Ever given someone your number and regretted it?

What happened?

Don't forget to work your magic.



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