The heart of a theif

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Hunk wake up please
Hunk woke up from his dream to see his friends standing in front of the pod
"I still didn't get much sleep you guys lied " Hunk yawned
Everyone avoided eye contact with him till Lance spoke up, "this wasn't for you to sleep man, we were scanning your brain an-"
"YOU WHAT YOU COULD HAVE TOLD ME THAT" Hunk was mad, but not at them, he just felt a burning rage deep with in him, a rage with out reason.
Pidge  finished what Lance was saying
" Hunk we found something in the back of your head look-"
She pointed to the screen that showed Hunks skull,
"A chip, a small small small chip, rests in the back of your brain"
"W-w-wHaT" Hunk flipped "GET IT OUT GET IT OUT GET IT OUT" he flailed pulling at the back of his head feeling for for it
"We tried " Shiro cut in trying to calm him
"But we can't "
Pidge answered
"There a sister chip, if one is taken out it kills its host and the host of the other chip, "
"Oh"  Hunk widened eyes looked to the ground as he sunk to the floor
Silence sat in the room, no one knew really what to say,  till Allura asked a question
"What do you know about her, can you remember anything?" "Umm, umm," Hunk ran his hand through his hair, "let me try "
He closed his eyes and thought the only words he could think of were save me, don't let them take me a tear rolled down his face,
"Are- are, you crying " Keith asked worry and Curiosity in his voice
"What? No im thinking"
"Dude you're crying"
Hunk opened his eyes and saw his tear ridden foggy view of his friends

Coran jumped in excited  with a thought
" I have the perfect idea, we can extract your memories, you can't remember them but they are still there" he confidently stands with one hands on the pod and the other one his hip
"That's actually a great idea Coran, " Pidge said baffled
And onward they headed to the new pod

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