The light

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I really edited the other fics to help make this after/during the 3rd season so like black lion Keith keep this in mind-

The room began to fill with memories, moments lost in time every inch was her. Her smile, her tears her smell, her
" we sent the kids to the police and kept her with us, she opened up to us, lived with us, we were gonna give her, a room, until-"
One images showed it was her and Hunk sitting watching the stars. She seemed different this time, healthy,happy, and for the most part in love
"Hunk," Keith butted in, "what happened"
Hunk didn't hear him
Hunk only focused on one thing and that was her
And then she spoke
"Hunk, this is gonna sound cheesy but, all my life has been nothing but darkness, I saw no future for me, but I have learned more now, Hunk, you are my light, "
All the memories gathered in to one, a form, glowing in the center of the room, they made her
A walking, talking, version of her
The girl looked at herself
And then back at Hunk, and with that she ran to him and went to hug him but
She was just a simulation
Hunk began to cry
"How did I forget, how did I forget the person I love most in this world,"
The simulation than stood and grasped Hunks face and again spoke to him
" it's been a long time my love, but this version of me is the happy things you remember, baby you need to remember the sad things, what did I tell you about the sad things Hunk"
And at the same time they spoke her words
"The world has balance, with out you, there couldn't be me, and with out darkness, we wouldn't have light,"
She rested her forehead against his , Trying not to phase through him
" I need you to piece it together, the back of your mind already has Hunk I need you to remember please remember "
A tear rolled down her face, he tried to wipe it away but he faded through her.
"Okay my love I will try"
They both closed their eyes and focused, focused on happened.
The first piece that showed up was from when they both met
" me and all these kids have scars on our wrists" it scrolled down to a strange diamond with and 'X'
" only mine has the 'X', the other kids scars are new, mines faded and old, I wish I knew what it meant,...."
That memory faded into another one, this one they were in the kitchen,
"I can't cook on my life, it's why I stole food ha" (y/n) said she stood next to Hunk very much smaller than him, "well then today's the day you learn" "grandma" Hunk yelled out
"What should we make?"
And from a distance with the same old accent she said " a soufflé "
"What's a soufflé?" Butted in Allura
"Shhh" said the collective in a groan
And as they were starting to Cut up foods (y/n) cut herself
"Oh nO Are YOU OKAY"
"I'm fine it'll heal,"
"LET ME GET YOU A BAND AID" and before he could look at the cut to determine the band aid size, it healed
"Hunk calm down, doesn't your body do this?"
Hunk examined her hand,
And then the memory cut to another
This one more horrific
There was a two strange men in foreign attire
And (y/n) spoke one last time
" please you've done enough, I'll go with you please just spare him, he doesn't deserve this please"
There they stood in the wreckage of the house, just them, echoes of "Hunk wake up please please wake up" played through the room
(Y/n) stood in front of the men strong and confident
"Go head and take me I'll go with out struggle, but I will make your life hell and crush you if you don't let him be"
The men nodded and but the girl in cuffs
The other man walked over to Hunk with a device in his hand, Hunk was barely conscious
"Oh you won't remember a thing," and with one clicked, everything faded out

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