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"She BRILLIANT, she made our jobs a lot easier " Pidge announced " she connected to him with the chip, helping degrade the chip more and more, that how she was able to over power it"
"So that was actually her" Keith questioned
"Yes and she's given us a lay out of the place she is at,it's going to take some time to piece together since it's over a few years of memory erasure"
She typed and typed away putting everything together
"She knew he'd get here somehow, she planned out made strings to connect to him across the universe, I can't wait to meet her"
A statement true to everyone in the room.

" a zoo, that's what this place is, a zoo of people from different planets, people who had no family, the ones forgotten my their worlds, how sick, how cruel" Allura was correct these people  horrid they collected people and put them on display, raised like cattle, hand selected.
"Yes but we can't go in there willy nilly, let's send a request , asking to come see the Zoo"
" Good idea Lance, Pidge send them a message," Keith then pointed to Allura, Coran and Shiro
"You three will be the guess seeing the Zoo, Shiro will be like a Guard, this way they send him else where if need be, They will give him  access to more places this way"
Than he pointed to Pidge " is there a way we can put a communication thing on to Lance, something undetectable " she was confused for a moment but once she realized Lance started to speak up " YOURE GONNA USE ME AS PRIZE????"
"Um sorry, but yes you are going to be an offering for the zoo" Keith felt a bit guilty but then explained
"You are our best option for the insider, you are entirely human, and are visually more, um wanted they would probably make you a servant or where ever they take you I trust you'll be able locate and plan a break out with (y/n)"
Lance was kind of flustered at this but nodded in agreement.
Bing bing
"Its them" said Pidge "they are awaiting our arrival inside"
Allura, Coran, and Shiro all put on their outfits for the Zoo. Pidge prepped Lance with communication and visual so her and Keith could see what he saw.
They were ready
Hunk was in the healing pod, not getting any better
Soon he will be
All he could do now was dream
Hunks dream(cause I want fluff)
He wakes in his bed staring at the ceiling
'Birds, I can hear birds' he thought
I can hear grandma singing in Soman
I can smell everything He felt something stir next to him.
It was (y/n) asleep next to him 
Grandma never knew I let her sleep with me, she just assumed she slept on the floor since I made a bed there but I couldn't let her sleep on the ground, she often had nightmares that she woke up crying from, they happened less when she slept with me, besides I like holding her... he looked down at her smiling she was sleeping on his arm he couldn't really move with out waking her so he just stared lining her face with his eyes, so sweet and peaceful, but it was just a dream, he knew this he tried to reach and caress her face but she soon faded and he fell into blackness
Hitting what seemed to be a ground but he saw nothing
Everything black,
"Oh god"
Soon her screams surrounded him, her helpless words crying for help is all he heard
" IM SORRY " he cries
"I COULDNT....i couldn't help...."
He collapsed
Her cries seemed to continue evermore

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