The Beach

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I never had much,
Happiness was one of major things I lacked
But this, this must be what happiness is,
Hunk took me to the the beach, I had never been before and he wanted me to see it, and his grandmother grew up on it, so they went often, it made her feel at home.

(Y/n) sat under an umbrella watching the waves. The breeze felt nice but it was a bit harsh so it carried some sand.
Looking to her left she saw that grandma had fallen asleep in the sun, she had fries on her chest that seagulls kept swooping down and grabbing.
Hunk went to look for seashell, they were for grandma, she liked to feel and smell them. He'd been gone awhile. So she just sat and took in all of the ocean.
She was going to lay down till she saw Hunk running back holding his shirt carefully.
The excitement on his face and covering of the shirt made (y/n) suspicion.
"I found something beautiful ( y/n) wanna see it?" Hunk looked like a kid who found a dollar bill, she nodded, and he beckoned her closer.
Actually looking now his shirt was drenched, dripping water down his arms and on the blanket they both sat on.
Slowly Hunk opens the shirt to reveal a Tiny turtle he explained himself "this one was the only one left, all its siblings left for the sea, he was the only one who didn't hatch, I had to fight a seagull for him." This turtle was extremely tiny, the runt of the liter it seemed, the lack of excitement on (y/n)s face worried Hunk "what's wrong, don't like turtles?" She shook her head but they face still remained
"Then what is it?" The turtle was scared and was hidden slightly in his shell. He began lightly petting its back to calm it, he was very good at it she replied "Hunk, we can't keep it, it will either die or be a prisoner" "you're thinking too far ahead,I just thought you'd like to see, if we don't have to keep it, we can give it to a pet stores " Hunks answer didn't calm her, it actually made her more upset "NO, No we can't keep it prisoner it's a living thing it needs  to be free, or try to be." Her eyes began to swell up "a Slave is a slave even if it doesn't know, a cage is a cage no matter how nice. I'm sorry I just don't like trapping living things, they are not things to be shown off, they need to be free. The need-to be-" she began crying uncontrollably Hunk set down the turtle and shirt down and held her "hey, it's okay we won't it's okay, we can take care of it for a while and then release it, is that okay? He pulled away and looked at her, wiping the tears and sand from her eyes and cheek. She giggled a bit at this, his kindness would always surprise her.
They both pulled away and looked at the turtle, only to find it missing. They looked around getting up and searched the beach. They found it going to the water, all by itself. Hunk wanted to take it but (y/n) convinced it otherwise "its strong enough, its small and may seem helpless but it's stronger than we know, it will live a better life in the sea"
Together they watched as the turtle walked to the sea. Hunk reached and for the first time held (y/n)'s hand. "No one could ever trap you, you'd kick their ass" they both laughed at this, his words were true. "Yeah" she agreed "you'd need a really good reason to give up your freedom" He would find out how true his words were

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