My peaches are ruined

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The siren for the invasion grew more and more deafening.
The guards had left the cage area to help, so now they all had to find an escape.
They had one, the guards had left (y/n)s cell open, but she was not in a saving state.
"You have to get up, please...(y/n)?" Lance voice was barely heard over the siren, they thought she didn't hear him, so they all began to scream for her "get up" "please" "we can escape" "help has come". She slowly sat up, sitting on her feet, from this you could fully see the extent of her injuries.
Face covered in cuts and bruises. This time you could see the indents left from the weapons.
She looked dead; Eyes glossy, body barely standing. They all stopped their yelling when they heard her laughter.
"(Y/n)....." Lance said low and concerned
She looked up to the lights and smiled
"Voltron..... I love it.... what a beautiful concept.... of course he would be a leg, he's what keeps people balanced."
Her grin grew wider
"He's so beautiful, thank you for showing me this, you know the lay out now, please save them"
Everyone was very confused, who the hell was she talking to??? How did she get all this information.
She pushed herself to walk up the exit to the panel by the door. Of course she knew the passcode for all the cells.
They opened from the side facing the center, where (y/n) was.
Quickly Shiro and Coran ran and stand stables (y/n) wrapping her arms around their neck so she could stand.
"She will be a liability if we are to wait for her, I'll carry her" Coran then bridal style held (y/n)
"Shiro, with me, Allura and Lance get to your lions."
"And what will you do hm.." Alluras voice was stern but scared. She didn't know why he would just have them leave. Where would he go.
And then Lance realized
"Yellow..... Yellow is the cause of all this, it's the one who pushed Hunk further into remembering, IT CONNECTED WITH (Y/N)"
Coran winked and opened the door ahead, Allura and Lance ran out to find their Lions. It was up to Shiro and Coran to bring (y/n) to the yellow lion.

They roamed the halls of the manor, that was slowly falling apart. Screams heard all around, no one fought, they all ran out leaving their belongings behind, especially the people they had captured.
A weak "please" came from the girl in Corans arms
He stopped mid-run to listen
"Please save the people, they don't deserve this. Please. Forget about me if need be, I'll be taking up space." she was then out, she grew heavier now that she wasn't trying to pull her weight.
"She's right" Coran muttered
He didn't know how he would do it, but he was gonna save everyone in the zoo.
With Shiro gone he now had to find a plan. "Psst hey, buddy, you gonna help?"
One of the guards that carried Lance was hiding and shaking in fear.
Coran walked over to him and kneeled down
"I will try my best, but I think I need your help? Will you help me save these people"
"Me?... yes, I am a person arnt I, YES together we will open everything. You to the control room and me security"
"What's your name?"
Coran asked, over the sirens and the screams.
"That's too hard, do you want a proper name"
He nodded as a reply
"Call me... Resura" (re-sure-a)
"Okie dokie Resura, lets do this"
And then they were off.
Coran went left and Resura went right.
He got to the control room.... somehow through debris and slight remembrance of the layout.
And found the button.
It was funny enough a big red button that said "do not touch"
And like the gorgeous man he is, he pressed the button, until he heard. "Dig" saying that the two buttons had been pressed.
He and Resura met back up in the habit area and helped the people escape.
Else where....
Shiro ran out the building and looked around for yellow but he saw nothing.
In the sky was red, black, blue and green, all fighting off ships and shooting the manor.
He ran to a a semi safe spot and waited...
"WHERE IS YELLOW" Keith yelled into the intercom
"WHO THE HELL KNOWS?" Lance yelled back
Allura cut in
Looking down they saw the ginger (bread) man run out the building but Shiro was no where to be found.
On Keith's final work they all split. Keith picked up Coran and Resura. He brought Coran to the ship so he could fly it down for the prisoners that had escaped.
The tables turned when Pidge found Shiro and (y/n) instead and hailed Lance and Allura.
(Passage of time... it's short)
Everyone was gone and the dusted had settled
The zoo was nothing but ruined and all the people had began entering the palace.
The team met up at with Pidge and Shiro. Still with no sign of the yellow lion anywhere.
(Y/n) was in Shiros lap, and Pidge was scanning her.
"We can take the chip out now,it's source has deactivated" Pidge spoke breaking the silence between everyone. They all seemed to circle the girl watching and waiting for yellow to arrive.
Pidge took out the chip and had ran inside the palace to take out Hunks,when (y/n) woke up.
She seemed kind of like a drone, they were trying to talk to her but she wasn't getting any of it she just got up and began walking in the wreckage. While they were all confused they proceeded to follow her. She had a limp from her injuries setting in and was bleeding from many places, she kept walking.
It wasn't until they heard it too that they realized where she was going.
There in the wreckage was Farushu crying,
"Everything, is gone" he cried
"E V E R T H I N G" the agony grew into rage
He looked up
"Y O U, You did this, you ruined everything, I gave you a perfect life and you ruine-"
He didn't finish because soon i knife was at his throat and he was on the ground
"This isn't living you wretched man, THIS is hell, you can. People like this, you are the monster not me. You kept there people here like trophies. You are the monster and this is karma"
Tears began to form
"And what are you going to do kill me? How does that make you better? Go on end me,"
She pressed the knife closer to his neck till it drew a little blood
"You showed me hell, you ruined everything,  there is only one thing to do"
Slowly she pulled back and put the knife away
"The biggest punishment is mercy, and that is what I give you, I forgive you. I want you to look back and see the pain you brought, I want you to feel something, love someone and I want you to see me every time you close your eyes
I want you to know being cruel isn't the answer
I want you to remember that I showed you mercy," he and the others were baffled, she slowly pulled back more and stood up turning to the team. Before once again fainting only to be caught by Hunk who was behind them the entire time. He picked her up bridal style and stared at her with pain
"My peach, what have they done to you?"
They all turned back and returned to the castle.

(One more chapter and then it ends)

Lost (hunk x reader story)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz