Some are more equal than others

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They approached a large facility made of a beautiful stone that seemed to glow, looking around people of different species were doing yard work, they looked so empty, eyes kind of faded, almost lost.
They decided to paint marks on Shiro so he would look more Altean, and they had Lance hand cuffed they kept whispering their apologies to Lance but he was fine with it, he knew it had to be done to get a good look at the Zoo.
A booming voice spoke to them
"Ah Welcome, were are so excited to have you at our fine institution, I will be your guide my name is farushu (far-ooo-shoo)"
A young man dressed in a garment that had a gold pin on his left( think Star Trek)
He had his hair shaven on the side and underneath, his hair was pulled back in a high deep purple pony tail, the hair was straight and thin. The pony tail was held by a golden cuff that was also on the wrist of the servants there.
Allura stepped forward "We are delighted to be here" the fake smile barely covered the rage that filled her body. He gestured to Coran "This is my royal second hand, Coran" and then to Shiro "and this is my royal body guard and servant.. Shiro" he bowed to this. "If I may speak your highness" Shiro even sounded different when he said this, monotoned and obedient, kind of shocked but in to what he was doing she nodded and he stepped forward pulling Lance along he bowed " My princess has brought an addition to the Zoo"
" ah what a surprise, human?" Farushu examined Lance and then clicked his golden pin then spoke to it "bring management " two large orc like guards come out and take Lance to get him labeled and categorize him and then what was behind them made everyone's heart stop.
It was her
She had the same look on her face as every other servant, empty, dead, lost .
She examines him like an animal looking for scars and sizing him.
Her voice rang just the same as the simulation, but older and more mature
"He's in perfect condition, we can take him for the implant now"
Farushu  waved his hand sending them off
"Shall we take the tour?" He spoke to Allura
She was still kind of worried about Lance, they didn't think of a chip implant, but she smiled and nodded and walked in.

(Imma write these next few parts a little odd, please bare with me here babes)

Lost (hunk x reader story)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant