Lancey lance is back at it again

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POV of Reader
My Brain is a maze that I am piecing together.
I'm so lost, it's odd one minute I remember everything that happened, the next I forget my own name.
But one thing has always been permanently burned into my brain
His face
I don't know who he is
Or I do?
I don't know
I don't know
All I know is the repeating message in the back of my Brain
"I love you, y/n, this is your home now"

Back to the 3rd person

The large.... creatures lift Lance back up by his arms, (y/n)s face was stone cold once again, she was really good at playing dead. They continued down the hall in to the processing room. She gestured for the muscle holding Lance to set him down on to the medical table. Quickly she flipped a lever that made it in to a chair, (like a dentist chair). Slowly the computer began wrapping wires around Lances arms and legs, this was fine until the needles began sticking themselves in to random veins, rooting themselves in those spots.
Lance tried hard not to scream, but he could help it, the needle burned, what felt like venom entered his veins.
Then the test began.

(Y/n) sat in front of Lance and began relaying questions
"Subject.... 8675309" (hehehe)
You could tell she knew these questions by heart, no hesitation, she had asked them hundreds of time.
"Who owns you?"
"Whom ever my last masters have given me off to"
"Are you a person"
In a cold and reluctant voice Lance again replied
She nodded to him and began typing in to the computer, usually no matter what people were always given chips to control them, but (y/n) had a plan.
After a few minutes of this she lifted her head turning to the large Creatures that brought them in and spoke "you are done here, return to your exhibits" and they did with out hesitation or thought, it was revolting.
She stood slowly and clicked her golden pin attempting to contact Farushu, but before she could utter a word his voice came from the pin
"Pet, how is the Newest creature coming along?"
She gulped loudly and replied to him
"Ah yes, he is from earth, and most of his memory is gone, as it is"
There was a small hesitation, before she realized what she had done, but it was too late.
"What have I told you pet you and the others are things, creatures, call them it, and if I hear you call them anything else, you will be punished again, is this clear"
Her eyes glossed a bit, now we know how she could look so dead all the time, it's because she was dead, on the inside, this place had broken her and killed her spirit. She simply responded
"Yes, sir"
And just like she has hoped, he told her to take him to her room and that no chip will be planted.
The wires slowly undid themselves from Lance, the areas where they were felt tender and ached a bit still.
Once all undid, they walked to her room.

The closer they got to the room, the softer her image become, more teary too.
They appeared at a door at the end of a corridor, it's was barely lit, the key pad for the door gave the most light , 4355 is what she typed, those numbers suited this place. "I made the password myself, " she uttered quietly but continued "did you ever see the old phones in the museums, I think they were called Nokias, they were small but strong, the keypad were correlated with numbers, so I use that to communicate, speak in private " the door buzzed open and they walked in, before the door could shut though she but her shoe in it
"I can't get out from the inside" so explained.
The room was small, but liveable, most of the space was taken up by pictures, drawings of Hunk, some perfect and some just parts of him. "I think he taught me that," her words startled Lance as he looks back at her from looking at the drawings she continued
"I think that happened, I sort of remember that day, we went to a technology museum, I had never been to anyplace like it before." She spaced out a bit the corners of her mouth tilting a bit, with a sort of wry grin. This quickly turned into sour face as tears began to form
"I can't... I can't remember all of it,i can't..."
Lance having dealt with this before with Hunk, he knew what to do
Grabbing her hands in his he holds them looking in to her lost eyes
"We will fix that, we can help, please trust me when I say this is all over, you're gonna be okay,.... here let me show you something" he let go and reached into his pocket pulling out the picture Hunk had draw ages ago. Slowly grab the paper and un folding it, confused
"Who.... who um" he cut her off "the person in these pictures you drew, they drew this"
Still confused she questioned him " yes, but who is this girl?" "Oh god" Lance thought "she doesn't remember what she looks like"
"It's- It's you, this is a drawing of you " and in an instant her face lit up.
"This is.... me?"
She stared and stared at the drawing, before she looked back to Lance.
"Now lets the hell out of this place" she grabbed the most recent and well distinguishable drawing on the wall, and then reached for under her mat that she slept on and pulled out a key card.
(This is kind of late to mention but you are wearing like pet like clothing, stuff thats Lacey and pretty)
"I know this place like the back of my hand, we need to get to the main control room and the security room"  her words were stern and assuring to Lance.
"Only one room needs this key card, and that's the security room, you will head there, I on the other hand will be at the main control room"
She paused in thought and then continued but with a question "can you fight, like hand to hand?" Lance nodded she turned around and began to take down the rest of the pictures and Laid them upside down on the floor, after like 6 pictures, you could see the beginnings of a map. Once all laid out she continued to explain the plan. "Of you look both rooms are on opposite sides of the building and we are right smack in the middle, not including the southern wing. I will make my way to the main control room and stay there until I know you can see me in the security room." She then dragged dragged lance to the slightly opened door and pointed to a camera at the end of the hall "you see that green light? It means they are on auto, I will know you have control when I see them turn red. You will do this by clicking on ONLY the camera for the main control room, any other room and they will know" Lance interrupted her exclamation "how do you know how to do all this?" She was slightly taken back by this and then reached back down to her mat on the floor, pulling out a book
"Every version of me before they replace my chip writes down what I remember and how to get out of this place." With that she opened to a page in the book to further explain the plan
" 'There are buttons in each room, the buttons need to be pressed at the same time' once I know you have control of the cameras I will visually count to three, and at the same time we press each button, this will open up every place and release everyone, and then we can escape " she looked back to Lance for reassurance. He could see how disconnected she was, lost scared, things she covered up when she acted as their slave.
"This is it, it's happening, your gonna get to go home" Lances words seemed to have worked. Her appearance went from scared to angry
"It's time to go," and with her beckoning they both exited the room, leaving behind the horror and the last few years.

"You go left walk until you see a blue door, it should be locked, if not it's the wrong door, you'll know when you're in there, I'll be at the main control room, remember the plan" and with her words they parted ways.
Lance made his way down the superficial corridor, it was clean and pristine. He made his best effort to act lifeless like the rest, he just hoped it worked. He remembered (y/n)s words
"Act confident like you know what you're doing they detect uncertainty".
He appeared at a blue door, he quietly and slowly twisted the knob to see if it was locked. Thank god that it was, slowly he pulled out the key and began to unlock the door, trying his best to be quiet until a voice came from inside the room "who's there?" The room was dark so Lance couldn't see the deep grumpy voices source, so he decided to wing it "uh-a-ah- at your service, I have brought dinner" all he could do was pray that they didn't detect the uncertainty. And lucky the person didn't.
"Oh enter then, just use the special knock next time, I'll show it to you, you must be the new pet" Lance expected a huge creature like the ones that man handled him in but instead he found a tiny,elf????? I mean it looked like and elf. "Santas eleves gone bad" Lance thought to himself. The room was filled with holographic screens, he tried to look for the room but there were so many. " Lance" Pidge spoke from the ear piece, " wow thought they ditched me" he thought "im going to try to hack the cameras but I need information from the computer, take down that tiny elf thing, nod if you understand" and he did, (remember the camera In his hair line). "This is either going to be very easy or super hard, time to find out".
Lance had decided to try a move he saw in a movie when he was a kid, the karate chop. He sturdied his and as the elf guy was talking away
(About the different kinds of knocks and what they mean)
He slowly rasied his hand , and swiftly swung it at the aliens elfs neck, and in a split second, the elf then caught his hand
The dark room seemed to grow darker and the aliens eyes began to glow red
"yOu DoNt THinK i KnOw WhAt yoUr tRyinG tO PuLL oFf " his already deep voice grew more demonic
He began to laugh, evil and filled with too much joy. Still holding Lances hand the alien turned around to press a button.
Lance tried to lung and stop him, but in that split second the alien grabbed Lances hand with both of his own and squeezed it crushed it, shattering every bone in the hand to tiny fragments.
Lance let out a blood curdling scream, falling backwards into the wall behind him. The alien turned to pressed the button again, and succeeded. A loud blaring siren and lights were activated. Lance attempted to get up but the alien was too quick. He spun around and gripped Lances neck, slowly squeezing the Air out of him. He could hear Pidge and Keith screaming in his ear, and found the screen of the main control room, only to briefly see (y/n) be grabbed-- that's all he saw before he passed out
( sorry that took forever work and school really fucking me over, )

Lost (hunk x reader story)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя