Become My Patreon!

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Hello everybody! Um I got some good news and back news.

You see that picture up there? That's my laptop. That laptop had ALL the new  chapter for ALL my stories on it. But it decided to kill itself! So that's the bad news. Without that computer, updates are going to be on halt.

But that's where the good news comes in! A friend of mine (a webtoon creator/artist) recommended me to a site where fans can help the creator!! 

So yeah pretty much Patreon is a site where you can donate a few dollers to a certain creator to help them improve their work!

So this is where I come in to ask, you dont have to!, to donate a few dollers so I can get a new computer. I know it sounds completely selfish and everything but I would really appreciate it everyone! 

If you decide to, here's the link:

(Just write it down and enter it in another tab or somthin)

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