Chapter One - [insert chapter title here]

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"Emotionless freaks."
"I, personally was leaning closer towards 'robots' but 'emotionless freaks' works too."

"Think about it Peej."
"Nah, when I think too much, my thoughts become too colourful," Pj says sadly.

Here's the rundown on my best friend, Pj. When he was born, doctors and his parents and everyone else was relieved when he came out with black hair. The perfect baby in this 'perfect world'. Only problem is, his hair turned an outstanding shade of brown, a colour, yet luckily not an illegal one. So everyone was happy with how he turned out. Until he opened his eyes for the first time. His father had fainted within seconds of seeing the shocking green that colour his iris'. He was deemed a special child, one that would have to take extra care when he became of age. So on his twelfth birthday, instead of presents, he was given a lifelong supply of grey contact lenses, so as to hide his true self. And with those contact lenses, he also got a bonus gift - a lifelong supply of teasing and bullying! Yay.

"They've been getting," I begin to say. 'Colourful again?' I mouth.
Pj just nods. "As long as I'm the only one to see them, I should be good."
"You sure as hell should hope so."

We stop our conversation just as the bell goes, so we head off to class, hopefully finding Chris somewhere along the way. We dodge the large groups that hang around the halls and stairs until we see, we'll hear Chris running towards us. Chris's a loud person and a loud runner. If you don't hear one, then you're bound to hear the other.

"GUYSS!!" Chris yells at the top of his lungs, bolting towards us.
"Slow down, Chris!" I yell.
"What?" Chris yells back.

Pj and I exchange a split second glance. We know Chris sees what we see as well, but he's going too fast to stop so suddenly.
"Taking one for the team," Pj mutters, before diving into a group of girls, pushing them out of Chris' beeline to us. He got a few glares and rude sneers from them, but Pj just brushed it off and grinned when he saw Chris.

"So-you'll-never-believe-what-I-just-saw," Chris says, panting heavily.
"If you saw three guys that're about to be late for class, then same," I say sarcastically.
Pj laughs a little and beckons for us to start walking to class again. "So what'd you see, Chrissy boy?"

"What!?" Pj and I say loudly.
Chris shakes his head, as he's still out of breath and points to the sky. We look to where he's pointing and sticking out like a sore thumb in the grey and white sky, is a fading rainbow.

"B-but, they were only supposed to appear after r-rain according to every history and science teacher I've ever had and it hasn't been raining," Pj says slightly nervous.
"I asked Mrs MacCloughin and she said it was a warning," Chris pauses. "A-a-a rebel's in the area and the sun's caught their colour!"

"We know, Chris, if you don't recall, both Pj and I have had our experiences with setting off false alarms," I say through gritted teeth.
Chris nods, knowingly and sighs. "C'mon, we've got a colour check and you know what it's like when we're late."

We all walk in a v-formation to the inspections room, which is where we go when a warning's been issued. Pj set one off last year when one of his contacts broke and a slither of his natural eye could be seen, but luckily no charges were made as everyone is aware of his supposedly rare condition.

"Right here, Miss," Chris says running over to an inspector with his hand raised.
"MARIAN! Mr Kendall, current shade condition: mahogany hair, hazel eyes, grey jumper, black jeans- DANIEL HOWELL! IS DANIEL HOWELL PRESENT!?"

"Here!" I run over and brace myself for the inspection.
"I'M RIGHT HERE, NO NEED TO YELL!" A girl, probably Marian yells back into the inspectors face.

The inspector shoots a glare at Marian.
"Alright.. Mr Howell, current shade condition: mahogany hair-" she pulls at my hair slightly "-brown eyes-" she widens my eyes with her gloved hands "-black and grey button down, black ripped jeans! KATRINA PASCO! IS KATRINA PASCO PRESENT!?"

I walk back over to where Chris' standing whilst we wait for Pj to come back. We talk about Pokémon White and Black for a few minutes, when a grinning Pj runs over to us.
"I didn't set it off this time!"
"Go you!" I say punching his shoulder slightly.
"Shut up Dan," he pushes me back playfully.

"BOYS! Get to class!"
"Yes, sir, sorry sir!"

We sprint off to our first period class just as the teacher stands up. We dive into our seats and stare up at him, waiting for him to begin speaking.
"Morning class-" "-Good morning Mr Coleslaw!" "- today, we have a new student, come in Philip-" he waves a tall boy (around my height I'm guessing into the room). I look him up and down, jet black hair, crinkles around his eyes, he's pretty cute, but god forbid I admit it - the only problem is...

His well worn, faded red jumper.

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