Chapter Two

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Silence. No greetings. No nothing. Just a long possibly endless silence.
"Hi," Philip waves, blushing slightly.
"Hey," a few people mumble, looking down at their desks.

"Erm, sorry about that Mr Lester, usually they're a tad more energetic-"
"Cut the bullsh*t, no we're not, nobody is," Mark, a tall, slightly muscular nerd calls from the back of the class.

Many may associate 'nerds' with being quiet and shy. But not Mark. Nope, he tends to be a bit rebellious, and an angsty teen. It could be his schizophrenia, but not even his closest friends can tell half the time. Over time, Mark became slightly aggressive towards people, landing him not only detentions but the nickname 'Dark'.

"Da-Ma- Mr Fischbach! That language will not be tolerated in this classroom!"
"Yeah, whatever.."

Mr Coleslaw just sighs and shakes his head slightly.
"Now, Philip.. would you like to take a seat between Daniel and Christopher?" He gestures to the seat in between us.

As he sits down I groan and put my head in my hands. This can't be happening..
"Hey! I'm Philip Lester, but please call me Phil," he whispers and out the corner of my eye I see his head flick from Chris to me.
"Hey, I'm Chris. That's Dan."
"Hey Dan-"
"Call me Daniel."
"I- sorry Daniel!"

I look up at him, slightly frustrated by his chirpy attitude.
"You're a ticking colour bomb, you know that right?" I ask, turning to face him.
"You're a- ugh, just face the front, don't distract me and we'll get along just fine," I snap at him, and turn to face the front once again.

Mr Coleslaw begins explaining our new History assessment task after smiling at Phil and I, clearing thinking we were getting along or something.
"Ok class, so you'll have three weeks to complete your task 'World Leaders and How They've Shaped our Society..."

"Hey- hey- hey! Philip Lester! Psst," Pj whisper yells from behind Phil.
"Shut up Peej, I'm trying to listen," Chris says quietly.
"That's a first," I scoff.
"Shut up Dan!"

Phil turns around after Pj starts throwing pieces of paper at the back of his head.
"Hi, I'm Pj," he grins.
"I'm Phil," Phil whispers back.
"Yeah, I'm pretty sure we've all figured that out," I hiss at them.
"Sorry sir," we all say, facing he front again.

"So as I was saying.. for this task you will be in groups-" quiet cheers could be heard from all around the classroom "-that I will be choosing!"
Everybody groans in response.
"Yes, I thought so.. so I've paired you all up, if you could push your desks up against your partners after I've made you aware of who you are to be working with, that would be greatly appreciated! Ok. Mark and Adam, Pj and Dj-"

"Oh come on sir, now you're just messing with us!"
"It's Dan, sir," Chris calls out. I reach over Phil and flick Chris.
"Daniel and Philip! An easy pairing-"
"Oh for christ's sake," I mutter.
"Now I can get to know you better," Phil smiles.
"Yeah, ok.. don't expect me to be your friend after this's over though."

Phil shrugs and pushes his desk towards mine.
"Should we begin our research then?"



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